Future DLC Suggestions #5

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:08 pm


This topic is for all DLC suggestions and thus where all suggestions and ideas members have for such. There is no official news on any planned DLCs yet but we know some are anxious to share their ideas. Having central place to make all these suggestions and ideas makes for a more tidy forum and helps keep more varied topics on the first page.

All other threads made for suggesiont/ideas for dlcs will be locked and referred here. If you see some new member make a suggestion/idea thread for DLCs please report it so a moderator can close it and refer them to this thread. Or help us out by linking them and then reporting it.

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A Dardzz
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:04 pm

And it's time again for my regular suggestions.

hardcoe Mode +1
  • H20, SLP and FOD meters go up three times as fast.
  • Radiation intake is tripled (Or maybe just x2.5)
  • Doctor Bags cost 500 caps
  • Doctors cost 500 caps to heal your health, radiation or addiction level. (Doc Mitchell will do all three for 250 caps but only heal limbs to 50% and only remove half the
  • radiation)
  • If you don't meet the weapons soft requirement then you're going to sway alot more and reload slower despite your Agility stat if you don't meet it.
  • If you don't meet the Strength Requirement then reload speed should be much more slower than it currently is, weapons sway more and recoil is like crazy.
  • Caps have weight.
  • Healing items (Chems and stimpacks) have weight.
  • Repair vendors charge twice as much as they currently do.
  • Weapon mods' price is increased by five times.
  • Ammo weight is tripled (excluding missiles which already have a ridiculous 3 weight.)

And then hardcoe Mode +2
All of the above but also with:
  • No fast-travel.

Please add in assassins or bounty hunters for each faction if we piss them off.
Like these:
Powder Gangers.
Houses Securitrons. (Yes they'll go outside of Vegas/Freeside.
Kings. (Yes they'll go outside of Vegas/Freeside.
Van Graffs. (If you slaughter the store then Jean Baptiste and Glorias mother will send her own assassins after you)
Nightkin. (Black Mountain, kill them off then you'll get Nightkin after you/Kill Keene)
Fiends. (Yes add a reputation bar with them, I know it can only go down.)
Boomers. (If you kill Pearl and Loyal)
Brotherhood Of Steel. (If you kill even one of their soldiers)
Gun Runners.
Crimson Caravan.
White Glove

I know it's a long list but I really think there should be more to it if we piss off a faction.

Extreme Mode pl0x!

No seriously, I'd really like that.
A non-canon mode which gives the enemy (or ally if you side with them) incredible equipment.
Sure the PC could get it as well once one kills a hostile NPC but it would still be a challenge.
Maybe just up and remove things like young gecko's or purple gecko's and molerats and replace them with something more dangerous like big packs of nightstalkers.

Just imagine how hard it would be at early levels when Powder Gangers run around with missile launchers and plasma grenades.
Or how NCR Troopers are all of the sudden armed with sniper rifles and Assault Carbines.
Or how Legionnaires are armed with stuff like Super Sledge and Ballistic fists.
Or how Nightstalkes at early levels have 5 more in their DT and their poison twice as dangerous.

Turn-based combat.
I remember this mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFABEnF7b6I
Listen, I know it ain't as good as the old games but please, create some form of turn-based combat for us in a DLC.
Even if it's as simple as this thing.

Hey Obsidain, mind adding a new faction in the wastes which use completely random weapons and start showing up at lvl 20 around a lot of places in the wasteland?
From 9mm pistol to grenade machine gun, these guys and gals will use everything. (Except mines, I don't know if NPC's can plant mines or how their AI would work with that)
I wouldn't mind it if they had about as much info as Vipers have in the game (none) but it would be better with some new dialogue or holodisks explaining a teeny weeny bit about them.
This faction could really switch up the gameplay.
One time you're meeting four of them with knife, sawed off shotgun, plasma pistol, flamer and the next time you might meet eight of them but this time with knife, riot shotgun, scoped hunting rifle (Yes, these guys are allowed to use modded weapons as well), plasma grenades, brass knuckles, grenade launcher.
It would mean that sometimes these guys can pose a real threat.

And if not completely random, how about them spawning at lvl 1 but gaining leveled equipment alongside the player?
So that by lvl 30 the only items they will use are the top of the line weaponry like multiplas rifle, grenade machine gun, ballistic fist, AMR, super sledge etc.

This faction would also wear either random armor (if going by the first example) or leveled armor.

Where should they spawn?
These guys take over other npc's and creature spawns temporarily.
So for example, at the first dry lake there are tons of giant ants.
But when you go there you might meet this faction who has replaced their spawns.
After you kill them and wait three days the spawned creature will once again be giant ants.
If this is too complicated and can't be done then just add at least 30 new spawns for these guys around the wastes.

Don't get me wrong.
I don't want this faction to be it's own DLC.
But rather have this faction be included as a bonus with Dead Money or Honest Hearts.

One problem I see with this is that we might have it too easy to earn money by killing them.
So how about this, these guys have explosives on them which are rigged to a small heart monitor so that when they die they automatically blow up into tiny pieces and all equipment they have will be lost. (I think I saw this on a Lost episode.)
Why they do this? Maybe they don't want their enemy to get the upper hand if one of their members were to die.
You can still pick-pocket their stuff though but they have a raised awareness so it might prove more challenging than with regular npc's.

This faction might actually be a faction that is challenging to meet.

Obsidian, take a look at this thread: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1148266-they-shoulda-been-companions/
If it's possible for you (with the voice actor/lore/character/???) to make some of them companions in a DLC as a bonus I'd think we'd all appreciate it.
(I know they need their own storylines and all but you've got great writers so that shouldn't be a problem right? ;) )
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:23 pm

----------------- Factions ----------------

NCR -- Actually Join their ranks instead of simply being someone who works for them. This means you can join the NCR at an early stage (like the mojave outpost or something), and do many missions and get higher up in the ranks. Eventually you would get to command troops of your own (i.e, get two replaceable soldiers as companions). Add NCR only merchants, stationed in Mccarren or something, one that doesn't break the law. This merchant should have various weapons the NCR uses, like service rifles, LMG's, and Ranger Sequoias.

Legion -- same as above really... and add a Legion companion

Brotherhood of Steel -- They are my favorite faction, so anything that adds to them would be great

--------- Existing Weapons --------------

Tesla Cannon -- I think the Tesla Cannn should use 20 ECP instead of 40, the unique would use 25. much more even number and makes the cannon slightly more worthwhile.

Recharger Rifle -- i think it should be stronger than the pistol version....

--------- New Weapon Ideas --------------

More Solar based weapons

Gauss pistol

More Electric weapons, like ED-E's
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:31 pm

----------------- Factions ----------------

NCR -- Actually Join their ranks instead of simply being someone who works for them. This means you can join the NCR at an early stage (like the mojave outpost or something), and do many missions and get higher up in the ranks. Eventually you would get to command troops of your own (i.e, get two replaceable soldiers as companions). Add NCR only merchants, stationed in Mccarren or something, one that doesn't break the law. This merchant should have various weapons the NCR uses, like service rifles, LMG's, and Ranger Sequoias.

Legion -- same as above really... and add a Legion companion

The problem is that if we join their ranks then we don't really have any choice.
If NCR says "Go to Camp Forlon Hope" and you disobey them then you might get court marshaled and hanged.
Being an outside contractor we have the choice to go and do where/as we please.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm

The problem is that if we join their ranks then we don't really have any choice.
If NCR says "Go to Camp Forlon Hope" and you disobey them then you might get court marshaled and hanged.
Being an outside contractor we have the choice to go and do where/as we please.

Good point but i think they could find a way around it

I feel like the character is too detatched... idk

Actually, i think for the next FO game they should add origin choices like in DA:O. So you could start the game off as a member of the NCR, Legion, BoS, Vault Dweller, etc. There would just have to be a big event that starts the main story, and add a reason as to why you have a pip-boy
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:55 pm

Actually, i think for the next FO game they should add origin choices like in DA:O. So you could start the game off as a member of the NCR, Legion, BoS, Vault Dweller, etc. There would just have to be a big event that starts the main story, and add a reason as to why you have a pip-boy

I like the picking an origin to define one's character, but it would feel very one-sided to instantly start off as a specific faction.
Letting us off into the gameworld to let us choose our own path feels like we'd have a lot more freedom of choice. (Course, one could always start off as a Crescent Moon Tribesman and then directly go over to Northern Federation and join them.)

But yeah I think it could be nice to have a couple of origin choices, as long as they aren't linear of course.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 am

In my head the origins would just add some background on your character and start you off in the faction of your choosing. Being part of the faction would give you some basic equipment, some beginner training quests, and starts you off favored by that faction.

Later on you could branch out to do anyting you want.

Like with the NCR it could be like this

- You start off in a clinic taking a physical (this is where you choose your looks and stuff)

- You meet with your commanding officer and get sent off to do some missions (tutorial)

- Something happens (would be the start of your main quest), it could be anything, probably sort of detatched from the faction itself. Maybe some unkown guy destroys your squad or sumthin with a mega weapon

- Then you get assigned to a special squad of the NCR, one where you are free to travel the wastes as you please as long as you continue to act for the NCR. This group would have a headquarters that you could use along with a companion that is another member of this group.

The NCR's would be one of the "easier" origins, the Vault origin would be more of a "just getting thrown out into the wastes" sorta thing. The origins could very easily be connected too, like for the Vault one maybe the dude that destroyed the NCR guy's squad was a member of your vault that betrayed you and destroyed it? idk.

And you could betray your origin faction whenever you want, but the main quest would basically be the same
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

In my head the origins would just add some background on your character and start you off in the faction of your choosing. Being part of the faction would give you some basic equipment, some beginner training quests, and starts you off favored by that faction.

Later on you could branch out to do anyting you want.

Like with the NCR it could be like this

- You start off in a clinic taking a physical (this is where you choose your looks and stuff)

- You meet with your commanding officer and get sent off to do some missions (tutorial)

- Something happens (would be the start of your main quest), it could be anything, probably sort of detatched from the faction itself. Maybe some unkown guy destroys your squad or sumthin with a mega weapon

- Then you get assigned to a special squad of the NCR, one where you are free to travel the wastes as you please as long as you continue to act for the NCR. This group would have a headquarters that you could use along with a companion that is another member of this group.

The NCR's would be one of the "easier" origins, the Vault origin would be more of a "just getting thrown out into the wastes" sorta thing. The origins could very easily be connected too, like for the Vault one maybe the dude that destroyed the NCR guy's squad was a member of your vault that betrayed you and destroyed it? idk.

And you could betray your origin faction whenever you want, but the main quest would basically be the same

One problem with origins would be to connect them all to the main quest without feeling to forced though.
But we're getting offtopic here, this discussion belongs in Fallout 4 Suggestion Thread.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 am

Yes i suppose...

On Topic: I would like more diverse energy weapons. There are possibilities for more Laser (not needed), Plasma (not needed), Gauss (would be cool), Electric (not pulse, more tesla cannon-y), Alien (will prolly come in area 51 dlc), and the new Solar weapons.

Well, the Archimedes is really just solar energy powering up the mega laser... im not really sure how it works... is the laser itself solar energy? if so, then there could be solar energy weapons
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 pm

Well, all I can wish right now is level caps to be 42-50 to cover the Mojave Wasteland and all it's quests and kills. :)
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:57 pm

Well, the Archimedes is really just solar energy powering up the mega laser... im not really sure how it works... is the laser itself solar energy? if so, then there could be solar energy weapons

Like this one?

Well, all I can wish right now is level caps to be 42-50 to cover the Mojave Wasteland and all it's quests and kills. :)

Short answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Cap at 50 would make the game too unbalanced.
If they'd release a small DLC for that ONLY specific reason then yes, that way people can screw up their game-balance if they want to.
But they should never raise it so high with an 800MSP DLC that it'll unbalance the game for the rest of us.
Cause I plan on buying all full 400MSP-3200MSP DLC's for the gameplay, content and lore and hopefully nice ending sliders.
So even the lvl 35 cap with Dead Money is pissing me off.
They shouldn't raise it with a DLC unless they make it optional to increase the cap.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 am

Solar Scorcher huh? sweet, then a weapon like that should be in FO:NV

i should play the 1st and 2nd ones.....
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:12 am

i should play the 1st and 2nd ones.....

Yeah, if you're only interested in the lore from the old games though you could always create a god-character with a character editor from NMA and breeze through the slow-paced turn-based combat if you want to.
But I'd suggest trying to bear through it since it will show how different the old games were in terms of damage and armor.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 am

I would also like the ability to choose what are companions equip, rather than it completely based on the strength of the equipment
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 am

Off the top of my head: Make landmines invisible (actually underground), and introduce a Landmine Detector and a Prospector skill.

The prospector skill will also make ammunition, caps and other useful items more frequent in containers. The Prospector skill can influence the landmine detector by detection radius....just carry a shovel so the items can be dug out though. What would a post-apocalypse wasteland survivor game be without some metal detector prospecting on a grand scale?

Errrmm... has someone suggested a firesight torch weapon mod yet? You could darken a cave system to pitch black, use a torch firesight add-on...it would add an interesting dimension to gameplay... ya wouldn't have to fiddle with the contrast and brightness settings.

Umm... how about the ability to attach dynamite to a spear, and lighting the stick before throwing the spear? What would that workbench recipe be..Duct Tape 1, Spear 1, Long Fuse Dynamite 1.. repair skill 10?

And I use a USB stick, not a cable connection..to answer a question from before.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

Off the top of my head: Make landmines invisible (actually underground), and introduce a Landmine Detector and a Prospector skill.

The prospector skill will also make ammunition, caps and other useful items more frequent in containers. The Prospector skill can influence the landmine detector by detection radius....just carry a shovel so the items can be dug out though. What would a post-apocalypse wasteland survivor game be without some metal detector prospecting on a grand scale?

Errrmm... has someone suggested a firesight torch weapon mod yet? You could darken a cave system to pitch black, use a torch firesight add-on...it would add an interesting dimension to gameplay... ya wouldn't have to fiddle with the contrast and brightness settings.

Umm... how about the ability to attach dynamite to a spear, and lighting the stick before throwing the spear? What would that workbench recipe be..Duct Tape 1, Spear 1, Long Fuse Dynamite 1.. repair skill 10?

And I use a USB stick, not a cable connection..to answer a question from before.


No offense, But this sounds kind of bad..
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm

I would also like the ability to choose what are companions equip, rather than it completely based on the strength of the equipment

I think they weren't thinking when they did veronicas clothes. She wants a dress but won't wear one? We should have to tell them what to wear and use.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:38 pm

Would a Mechanics overhaul to make it closer to the originals system count?
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

Would a Mechanics overhaul to make it closer to the originals system count?

Hmm... Classic Mode?
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 am

O yes, i forgot that i would like:

More Robot Enemies -- I got the pulse gun and i want to use it

Respawning enemies -- No one except the fiends seem to respawn...
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Roy Harris
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:28 pm

Vault City. That is all.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 am

  • Add vehicles to the game. Driving a Highwayman would be awesome. If we could at least drive a motorcycle, that would be great too.

  • Add more music to the radio stations that fit the game's theme. Add a way to interact with Mr. New Vegas (even if it is just AI). Add a new radio station with a DJ you can interact with.

  • Let ovens operate the same way campfires do. At the very least, allow the oven in player housing to act like a campfire. Add reloading benches to Lucky 38 and/or other player housing. Add more upgrades that can be bought for L38. Add blackjack/slots/roulette to the L38 housing.

  • Add more Mojave drop boxes (the closer to player housing, the better)

  • Add more expensive things to spend caps on. I have over 100k caps with nothing to really spend it on.

  • Be able to open the L38 to the public if you have defeated House.

  • Create your own faction from a pre-written list of names that can be voiced by NPCs via chat dialog. Be able to create custom outfits for your faction to wear.

  • Give more depth to current factions with more quests to do (Chairmen, Omertas, Fiends, Jackals)

  • Be able to run your own casino. At the very least, have a way the player can still play the gambling games after being banned from all casinos.

  • Allow certain abandoned villages to be occupied again through certain achievements (such as clearing out any hostiles in the area and any other way to make the area more habitable)

  • Allow the player to be able to grow his/her own plants that can be harvested outside or inside of any or all player housing. Make the ability to grow the plants very difficult to achieve so that it feels well worth it.

  • Allow the player to manage his/her own farm (can domesticate brahmin/bighorners, grow plants, provide potable water, etc)

  • Include a NPC that has come all the way from the Captial Wasteland, so that FO3 can feel a little more included with the canon of FO1, 2, and NV.

  • Add more Vaults

  • Add more customizable weapons. Also add more weapon mods (not only for guns/energy weapons, but also for unarmed, melee, and thrown). Also have thrown weapons either be more abundant or allow them to be picked back up after being thrown.

  • Add mods for armor/clothing (they could add +effects in some areas while adding -effects in others to keep it balanced. For instance one mod to the Wasteland Legend Outfit could add an additional +7 to guns while causing a -7 to melee weapons and a different mod could do the opposite (allowing only one or the other to be equipped) Also add some customizable armor/clothing. The ingrediants could include clothings that is very rarely used by the player (increasing its relevance) and other items that are either not currently used in any recipes or are not used in very many to make the item much more appealing to pick up

  • Allow the binoculars to see further than scoped rifles

  • Allow the Codac R9000 to take screenshots in-game after the completion of "Classic Inspiration"

  • Either increase the amount of random Cherry Bombs, or decrease the needed amount for the Bottlecap mine recipe

  • Allow the player to obtain 'Captures' for the Legion

  • Add more 'Followers of the Apocalypse' quests

  • Allow the player who has chosen an Independent Vegas to be able to control all Securitions (at least add unique dialog for them and/or make them more intractable)

  • Give the player the ability to take an egg from a hostile creature and be able to raise it into an advlt that will act as a Companion. (This could possibly be unique to the Animal Friend perk)

  • Allow the player to be able to do idle animations that many NPCs are already able to do (such as eating, drinking, typing, etc). Add an animation for smoking to allow the cigarettes to be more relevant.

  • When using a consumable in a container (such as Nuka Cola/Sunset and/or Whiskey/Scotch/Vodka, etc) leave behind an empty version of the item upon consumption.

  • Allow the player to be able to take empty bottles (either soda or alcohol) and have a way to refill them.

  • Allow the player the ability to set up a temporary camp (including campfire and a bedroll)

  • Have a way for the player to know exactly how far the red pips on the compass are located. Allow the player to add custom waypoints that remain static (to give us a way to remember where unlisted locations are)

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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:29 am

Pop rocks and Nuka-Cola Victory to make a hand grenade "See you in hell candy boys!"
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

  • Add vehicles to the game. Driving a Highwayman would be awesome. If we could at least drive a motorcycle, that would be great too.
  • Create your own faction from a pre-written list of names that can be voiced by NPCs via chat dialog. Be able to create custom outfits for your faction to wear.
  • Be able to run your own casino. At the very least, have a way the player can still play the gambling games after being banned from all casinos.
  • Allow the player to manage his/her own farm (can domesticate brahmin/bighorners, grow plants, provide potable water, etc)
  • Include a NPC that has come all the way from the Captial Wasteland, so that FO3 can feel a little more included with the canon of FO1, 2, and NV.
  • Add more Vaults

1 No.
2 ... No?
3 Run our own casino, ain't better than the suggestion in FO3 to run our own shops.
4 Isn't there some game on facebook called Farmville?
5 ED-E?
6 Please don't. There's too many in the area as it is, remember Fallout 1/2? Vault 15 and Vault 13 was pretty far away from each other, I don't get it why the area has to be cluttered with vaults, one to three vaults per game should be more than enough.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 am

1 No.
2 ... No?
3 Run our own casino, ain't better than the suggestion in FO3 to run our own shops.
4 Isn't there some game on facebook called Farmville?
5 ED-E?
6 Please don't. There's too many in the area as it is, remember Fallout 1/2? Vault 15 and Vault 13 was pretty far away from each other, I don't get it why the area has to be cluttered with vaults, one to three vaults per game should be more than enough.

Thanks for the non offensive, constructive criticism. (/end sarcasm)
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Donald Richards
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