You might respond that I can use a third person view on Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but I feel like the character is walking in a treadmill, never really in a relationship with the ground. I don't like that. I've also felt that way with The Elder Scrolls games. You might also respond that I should just play one of these other games, but I love the fallout world and lore.
Maybe another thing about the game the turns me off a bit is that individuals aren't really in contact with each other when they are in combat, or don't seem to be, at the very least. Hand-to-hand/melee combat never excited me in Bethesda games, because there really wasn't much other than a simple attack and block. And when you did attack or block, the other character doesn't make much of a visual for being affected. In the old Fallout games, when you were kicked or shot at, you would always dodge, grunt and fall back a little bit, or explode, et cetera. I guess that gave me more of a feeling of my character's, and others' connection to what's happening. And that's not a connection that could be improved upon through a simple adjustment to a first person viewpoint.
Also, there is something either not realistic, or not interesting enough with the rag dolling.
There are other aspects of the game that could be changed or improved in the event of a new game, but I feel that these are critical parts of the latest two games with which I was not enthralled.
Thank you for reading.