Anyway, I just felt like making a wishlist for future Fallout games. I would love for this to pertain the the next Fallout, but not necessary.
-Large Cities (Pre-War)
By pre-war, I mean that they were large during the pre-war (wanted to clarify).
Honestly, I think that cities such as NYC, Philly, LA, etc. would be really amazing. With the next gen consoles being released, engines could probably be upgraded and the game would look even better.
Just imagine seeing this,
"Couldn't post image or link"
Google - "All of the post-apocalyptic cinema in 8 minutes | Digital Life Plus"
First link with the same title, first picture.
while playing Fallout. It would be utterly breath taking and the ability to explore the remnants of towers buildings would create amazing options for gameplay.
Basically, the breathtaking environment, towering buildings and the increased options would make Fallout more appealing, imo.
-Randomizing AI
I really couldn't figure out how to phrase it above, but basically, instead of traveling to a building and killing a few raiders, mole rats, scoprions, etc. and them disappearing, why not have them appear randomly as calculated by AI?
Small example:
Youtube /watch?v=CNND5c8gMUQ
Quick explanation: Killed raiders in Super-Duper Mart Fallout 3. Raiders returned. They mentioned they were back.
Basically, they went on a raid, hunt, or whatever and returned later. Now, even though this was scripted, to program AI to be able to decide to leave "Building A" for "Building B" because "A" ran out of supplies and "B" was a better choice. This would randomize events and would increase a reason to travel back to a town. I personally never went back to Arefu after completing the quest, there wasn't anything left.
Anyway, if this could be expanded to where raiders or scavengers randomly occupy buildings, that would be cool. Lets face it, in a post apocalyptic world similar to Fallout, would you just not stay in an empty building because some people were killed in there?
Graphics aren't really an issue for me. I could care less as long as they're decent enough.
-Better AI, as explained above. Basically, they could make their own pre-set actions based on pre-determined values modified by existing conditions.
Example: Build Cleared sets a value for that building.
Scavengers pass through the area.
Night time passes through, so they go inside and stay for a day or two.
That would be pretty cool.
-Never before seen building types.
I personally never played Fallout 1 or 2. I attempted to, but I had issues with Windows 7. But something like indoor malls, movie theaters etc. would be pretty cool. Just an extra thing, wouldn't really improve gameplay.
-Bounty systems similar to Skyrim
It would be cool to be fined instead of attacked everytime you commit a questionable act.
-Repeating quests
Tweaked a bit from Skyrim, I got irritated because the quests repeated farly often.
Ex: *Insert Random Character* needs to be assassinated at *Random Location*.
-More uses for misc items. I personally don't mind finding a carton of cigs to just sell them, but the ability to use them would be cool (as a gag type thing).
Example, you find a cup, you can drink from it.
Rusty tin cans can be thrown at people, etc. Just something simple and stupid.
-Less boundaries.
I can't even say how often I got mad in Fallout NV and Fallout 3.
I would climb a mountain in new Vegas, just for a random invisible barrier to block me from reaching the other side. This was occurring for me a lot at the location where you recruit the Nightkin and the Vaults are in the mountains.
Just the other day I was playing Fallout 3. I left GNR and there was a random courtyard with a few Ghouls but I couldn't climb a 6 foot pile of rubble. A barrier stopped be from jumping over to the other side (I was at the top).
-LONG story with a lot of background info.
Honestly, this matters the most to me. I enjoy long stories, I can spend 50 hours listening to dialogue in a game if the dialogue is worth it.
Business Related
I made a thread about how announcements are scarce. I would like in the future for there to be news on even small development moves. It doesn't even need to be a release date.
Example for Fallout 4:
2/20/13 - Discussed a few location possibilities
2/26/12 - Decided on a location, but it's secret.
2/28/12 - Story development started.
Something at simple as that would be fine and would allow me to be excited that the game is actually in progress.
Thanks, I might add more later