Well, I'm trying to play this game from A to Z, anolyzing all its features/content and having fun from them as much as I can. Developers said, that there will be DLCs based on players ideas and smaller updates fixing bugs and adding small content. So, here I'am Bethesda to share my ideas and experience.
1. AI Upgrade - companions AI is terrible. They get stuck, fall from heights, sometimes getting to elevator is big problem for them, they get into your line of fire, their reaction times are sometimes terrible. First time when I was traveling to Diamond City I encountered DC security fighting super mutants, and that was something. Both sides took cover and shoot each other from their positions. That was WOW for me.
2. As there is a lot of FPS content in that game, it would be cool for player character to use cover as NPC characters can.
3. Acctualy we can travel in vertibirds and use its side weapon why we can't pilot it? Using travel/extracion option is not practical (slow as hell) but for me its some cool RPG experiance. Piloting could be nice quest for BOS like flying school . And your exam shoudl be to fly between boston skyscraqers also under fire from raiders, mutants and gunners. Some fighting with vertibirds hijacked by gunners would be super awesome. There could be awesome quest lines for that. Starting from BOS fly school class then some practical flights with your CO, exam and then missions like transporting BOS troops, extracting BOS troops (medical extraction, in combat extraction etc) and also assault missions like for instance destroing hijacked vertibirds by gunners in their base. As we all know F4 uses skyrims engine where one of DLCs added possibility to fly and "pilot" a dragon. Also there is a mod for Fallout New Vegas where you can pilot vertibird and use its weapon systems.
4. Another one is connected with last one. I think many players still would like to see usable vehicles in fallout. I always think about Fallout Tacctics game cinematic . I also know that can be not practical becouse there are no huge territories to travel and there are much of obstacles u can block on etc.
5. Vertibirds and AI again. Their AI is terrible . Usually when they execute assault, they just fly around and do strange maneuvers with their troops on board and end destroyed by super mutants or raiders with pipe rifles
. Well, as military organization their pilots should preform better, for sure ;p. Also first of all they should land and deploy ground troops and then support them from air. Seeing vertibirds in action is like WOW but seeing them shot down while making weird maneuvers ruins that experiance. For me that need to be fixed.
6. More clothing armor upgrade. For instance, why we cant upgrade BOS uniform? For me its the best clothing to use under your armor (all armors looks good on this clothing, but using it only for good look is not practical. Try to wear hvy combat armor on military or army clothing. Your character will look bad in it. Like this armor is badly fitted for them). As you get option to upgrade clothing after making some quests for Railroad there should be option for most clothing types (Minuteman General uniform is cool looking but there should be also option to upgrade it).
Thats all from me, for now. Feel free to post what do you think about that.