WAR(Whole Empire at war fighting with each other)
Skyrim vs. Cyrodill
Aldmeri dominion(Summerset Isle + Valenwood) vs. Cyrodill
Solstheim(:D) vs. Argonia(now Morrowind + Argonia)
Return of the Ayleid
(Umaril's activity, Nu-Mantia Intercept("Ayleids will come.."), they'd press home an advantage of Collapsing Empire and establish a kingdom in Cyrodill/Valenwood.
After that, maybe we'd have new playable race:D To good to be true.
btw.Cyrodill should have real jungles instead of forests(lore), Ayleid have darker skin because of this(like southamerican Indians, because of warmer climate of "LORECyrodill" ). Also their ruins should be more like Mayan(etc.) style(like ones from Shivering Isles).
Their current style don't bother me, because I think it's still cool:d
Quotes: "In short, the Barrier is weakening, and I know why. Moreso, I have uncovered a conspiracy that stretches back to Dawntime and the split of Aldmeris. Empire Actual is threatened by forces of previous realities, and the Ayleids are not destroyed at all."
"The Tower of White-Gold, whose Stone is Chim-el Adabal, Amulet of Kings, whose masters are returning. I speak of course of the Ayleids, for which "sometimes" was not good enough." - (almost)everything happened:d Ayleids will have their show:D
source:Nu-Mantia Intercept http://www.imperial-library.info/obscure_text/nu-hatta_nu-mantia.shtml
Facts and Opinions from the Nu-Hatta Intercept http://www.imperial-library.info/obscure_text/nu-hatta_nu-mantia_facts.shtml
Invasion from Akavir
^They attack from time to time. Maybe they know that Empire is very weak and they'll make use of this:D
Ka Po'Tun have plans to conquer Tamriel.
Also the "crazy guy in Anvil" is saying about "dragonships coming for him" - maybe its a crazy hint from Bethesda:P
Invasion from Pyadomea
why not?:D
Return of the Dwemer

Voice your opinion!!!!":D