» Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:07 am
Ummm honestly, since I can ASSUME we won't be back in Vvardenfell in any game anytime soon, it would be very reasonable to believe that you know, maybe in elder scrolls 5 you could hear that yes, it sploded and everything is dead, and chaos ensued there; Elder Scrolls 6 would say something along the lines that things have died down, and there is more land (somehow) they are rebuilding, or some race has taken over the lands, OR that a army of -name random faction that was created after the island was destroyed- took control of the area and is now rebuilding and planting plants on the volcanic soil, and now everything is coming back to life, and then MAYBE, in the FAR distant future if they EVER decide to return to Morrowind, it shows a new area thats not just a rehashed morrowind with better graphics, that was made just to make fans happy that they are coming back; NO, its a totally new area reshaped with new factions, people, towns, everything. THAT is my interpretation of there ideas, and that they aren't just very insecure of there lore.