When did the Argonians become so powerful anyway? Were they all on Hist Sap?
When did the Argonians become so powerful anyway? Were they all on Hist Sap?
The Hist had a vast Empire by all accounts when the Et-Adaa and their pals ran amok (presumably in the Dawntimes) - the Lore says that proved to be too much for the Hist to counter and their Empire was destroyed. The remnants of their Empire are in Argonia/BM ...
This is where you had to use a bit of imagination back before the book was released: and ask yourself what the Hist were up to during all those milennia?
I asked those questions here on the forum, made suggestions and no one was that interested at the time as they were all mostly focussed on the unfolding Love Letters, Vivec and stuff that was gone already so there was no big debate. There were a number of nubee threads asking what the Hist were and the officionados of the forum were unwilling to do more than refer to the snippets of past Lore - presumably because many feel that Lore is necessarily something that has already happened.
Now you are free to examine the question in the light of the loads of Lore / hints / clues and actual detail in the book. You might go back to the past threads on Hist and there you might find my speculations over the last few years and those of a few others who enjoy that side of Lore. But really you ought to be more up to date and focus on the new stuff that is apparently dev-sanctioned. So you now know that Hist abilities include telepathy of a fairly high order and magica. They have a (presumably) symbiotic relationship with the Argonians - or maybe the Argonians have a symbiotic relationship with them? I suspect that is an aspect that can be explored more in future through in-game books if not though Vol2
Lol - 1 still have not found a copy of Vol1 in England - though I am sure I will come accross one eventually - so I am left in the land of the blind too except I think there is a lot more detail in the Book that has not yet been discussed here, maybe because you cannot cut and paste the content of a paper book = you have to type it in? Anyways try as a starting point that the Hist had an Empire = they conquered others = they were intelligent and had a means of manipulating the physical either directly or indirectly. Accept that the past Lore was deliberately vague on this for storyline reasons.
The Hist were being secretive as they had a massive shock when their Empire was all but wiped out and all that they and the Argonians did was to probe and anolyse 'the enemies' that all but destroyed their civilisation and part of the continent. So they let the Empire and others invade many times and seceeded the peripheral lands from time to time while keeping the deep swamps inviolate to gather intelligence and prepare for the future of their much-altered continent.
In context Hist Sap appears to be a detail - although important because we until a game comes out that usess it our understanding of it will retain a speculative aspect.
This may explain why many overlooked the subject in favour of what they felt was juicier matter at the time and now you have the chance to do a bit of detective work of your own and I hope add more detail.
Hope this helps and all the best for the new decade - 1999