As was stated, part of me thinks they nuked Morrowind because it's undoubtedly the province with the most emotional attachment, making the event ever more serious and pivotal to the movement of the world. Besides, it's been explored in great depth already - can't destroy Elsweyr or Summerset considering we have yet to visit them. The other part of me thinks they're trying to spite us Morrowind players. Remind me, did Greg Keyes play any of the games besides Oblivion?

The Nords, Orcs and Dunmer will probably join together and drive the Argonians out at some point though.
I hope so. I always found these three to have a lot in common: Orcs and Dunmer share the conflict of subverted faith (Velothi Saints vs Tribunal, Trinimac vs Malacath), they all have some degree of attachment towards ancestral worship, and they all boast some pretty good fighters. :toughninja:
From what I'm thinking somehow Morrowind will rise from the dead , not anytime soon. If the rumor for TESV being 200 years after the book I think some of it might be remade by that time.
I hope not.