Yeah I've no problem with the laser pistol having no recoil... if possible I'd have the laser rifle that way too! I guess they gave the weapons recoil for the sake of user-feedback, but logically speaking they should be recoiless.
But then, "SCIENCE!", the classic lasers in Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics actually fired Buck Rogers style laser bolts rather than instant-hit beams so I don't mind recoil. But if fixing something else makes us lose recoil, I'm certainly not gonna complain.
A silencer or atleast a sound reducer would be good, yeah. The laser rifle with scope makes for a decent sniper weapon against weaker enemies, but it also makes a hell of a noise compared to a silenced scoped pistol.
Well you'll notice I already suggested a silencer for the combat laser pistol.
Laser rifle already has three upgrades, and the game doesn't allow a weapon to have more than three upgrades. Then again, does anyone actually like the beam-splitter upgrade? Perhaps replace it with a silencer, heh. Bear in mind a proper laser stealth system would also make the beam invisible, not sure if people want lasers with invisible beams.
In terms of the increased durability I agree that having energy weapons much more fragile than guns makes a lot of sense since they're precision, high tech weapons full of complex, delicate parts and not just metal tubes and hammers that explode a bullet in a direction. The kind of durability boost I was thinking of would be pretty small, maybe equating to a dozen or so extra shots before the weapon breaks.
I'm thinking that in terms of durability most of the weapons are pretty much OK... though the more damage a weapon does, the faster the condition goes down, so I guess we'll have to bump up the condition by whatever percentage we also increase the damage.
In the case of the AEP9 laser pistol (Combat Laser Pistol) and AER7 laser rifle/laser carbine, they should be very durable. In fact there was a terminal in Fallout 3 talking about the great durability of the AER7 laser rifle.
But in the case of the weapons where I haven't thought of cool several cool upgrades, then yeah a durability upgrade is an obvious choice.
On another note, the ammo requirements of the weapons always annoys me. Why does the small energy cell I pick up off the ground have 20 shots in it, but the exact same cell (size wise, obviously) when placed in a pistol suddenly have 30 shots in it? A standardization across all weapons would be nice. You said you were doing that with the laser pistol, bumping it up to 32 shots like the plasma pistol. I just think it should be the same with all energy weapons. A small energy cell in any weapon should always have the same charge. The exception here being the Wattz pistols, as they look like someone took the energy cell and pulled off that piece that holds them together (would this be a good idea, considering how much energy the things hold). Would it be possible to get a remesh of the Wattz pistols with a full sized SEC in them instead?
To be fair Obsidian did a much better job of energy ammo consistancy than Bethesda; in Fallout 3 you had ludicrous situation of the same energy cells giving 30 shots in a laser pistol and 16 in a plasma pistol, and a unique laser pistol having 20 shots despite looking identical to others. And laser rifles having a capacity of 24 and plasma rifles having a capcity of just 12, despite having identical-looking microfusion cell. By making the plasma weapons use 2 ammo per shot, in most cases the inconsistancies mostly disappeared, with just minor differences like 30 shots in a laser and 32 in a plasma pistol, and yeah I figured why not bump up the laser pistol to 32 shots and make it more consistant.
When it comes to ammo pickups, I was thinking that maybe when it comes to ammo pickups we shuold bump up the SEC ones to 32 shots and the microfusion ones to 24 shots, since those are the capacities in most of the weapons.
In the case of the Wattz laser pistol, yeah the model Joefoxx did has it using two batteries rather than the normal model of three held together. (I figure the thing that holds them together is effectively a sort of speed-loader.) So I gave it 24 shots. Of course 2/3 of 32 isn't 24, but it's close enough, and the old Wattz laser pistol in Fallout 1 and 2 had 12 shots. So this Wattz laser pistol is a model with double the number of shots.
Something to bear in mind - two energy weapons might be both microfusion powered, but could actually use a different energy cell. When it comes to Guns, you pick up boxes of 10mm ammo, and magically off-screen you load those bullets into 10mm pistol magazines, and 10mm SMG magazines, which have different capacities. So perhaps the cells the player reloads in an energy weapon are actually weapon-specific "magazines"; in Fallout 1 and 2 the idea was that you were using Small Energy Cells or Microfusion Cells to charge up an energy weapon's internal battery. The microfusion ammo pickup was a blocky battery that held 50 energy, and a laser rifle held 12 energy and a plasma rifle held 10. Bethesda didn't impliment an internal battery idea, but it's still plausible that the battery that gets replaced is a weapon-specific battery. This would justify why in Fallout 3 energy weapons could use the same ammo type and have such widely different capacities. The problem was that the energy cells for laser and plasma weapons were identical and looked the same as the ammo pickups.
In the case of the Q-35 Matter Modulator, it actualyl has a microfusion cell with its own unique texture. It occurs to me that in the case of weapons where the ammo capacity is inconsistant with the others we could give the energy cell a unique texture.
In fact, we could replace the ammo pickups with different models, like old-style rectangular blocky microfusion cells, to make clear that the things you pick up in the world are used to charge-up weapon-specific energy cells. Anyway, these are just ideas I'm throwing around. "If it ain't broke dont' fix it", so perhaps I'm overthinking this ammo stuff.