First off, I want to say excellent job. The latest bethesda patch got me running without any crashes at all so far (about 4 hours of playing). I love your mod. I'm using it with all the recommended mods, and it gives the game a very challenging overhaul. I love it.
Secondly, I wanted to say I wasn't sure about using the primary needs mod, but I love that too. Now, instead of thinking "Oh, I'm hurt, better eat a bit. Or drink a bit. Or sleep a bit," I think more about how long my food and water has to last me, and maybe I should wait until I'm hungry. Or sleepy. It gives the game more realism for me than just having to eat and drink-- I feel it makes me think more like somebody actually would. ie: I can't just sleep for a week while this vendor restocks, I would go through so much food, and I'm poor! (Or, the amount of radiation I'd sustain feeding myself for a week isn't worth waiting for the next caravan to arrive. I better go do something worthwhile so I'll have money to pay the doctor to fix my rads)
That said, I have a couple questions about the primary needs mod which I couldn't find answers to in the readme for it:
1) Was it intentional that natural water sources do not heal, but food and bottled water still do? Note that you can drink water from a bottle, then just refill the bottle from a source that doesn't heal, and then the bottle will heal. Seems silly to add the extra step of filling the bottle if you want it to heal you at all... (I'm playing with the default configuration settings for primary needs)
2) I can't seem to find the sleeping bag for sale... is it not always on a vendors sale list? I've looked so far just at craterside supply in megaton. Not having a sleeping bag makes it hard to wander far from town...
Also, a question about the immersion mod removing karma messages: Is it supposed to emit a message box in the upper left that says something like 'tlp;' or something like that? I've noticed it pops up if I steal something
EDIT: Yet another question: I noticed in the readme you have up in the OP, that the weapon mods values have been altered. I found some extended clip mods, and they are listed as having a 350 cap value... did you alter the values again (to differ from what is in the readme), or am I loading things in the wrong order?
Thanks for the reply! Regarding water healing, it depends on what settings you use for primary needs. Under the vanilla setting for water, you do get healed, under the other option water doesn't heal. The original author had intended to use the non-healing version, and removed that from the water source. It might be tricky to revert that, so until then its a little odd

Sleeping Bag . . . sometimes it doesn't appear all the time. I've noticed that before myself. You can try to remove the primary needs mod, save, and then re-enable it and see if it appears again. I'm not sure why it isn't appearing all the time, it should. I'll look into it more.
The karma message pop up is hardcoded, and I have no idea why the "tlp" thing popus up, it shoudl just be blank!
Lastly, I didn't alter the values of the mod kits themselves, just the value of modded weapons.