Been out for a bit . . .
Can i Use 03 Character module in an ongoing game? Or does it need a new game?
You "can" use it on an existing game . . . but you're going to start getting wierd skill advancements and other inconsistencies. Not really reccommended.
I'm blundering around in FO3Edit to check for conflicts before trying to start my game with FWE+WMK+MMMF3 and I just found something interesting.
Thanks for spotting for some errors! I look into getting those fixes incorporated for the next release.
I noticed that enemy's appeared at a much longer range but felt it represented the Pipboys Motion sensor/radar/scanning thing better and with the increased deadlyness of combat and improved difficulty in sneaking, helps to avoid fights you'd rather not risk.
Kind of like when A Deathclaw spawned outside of the SuperduperMart whilst I was at level 2. I used all of my ammo before I even got into the mart! Good fun.
I have a suggestion for the alternate start part anyway. How about adding a *merchant/Trader* history. It would give a bonus to Barter and maybe speech, not sure what the penalty would be. This is if i's not already there! I haven't checked to make sure I didn't just miss it when I made my lastt character..
I'm not sure what controls the perception distance. I've tried to find why this is the case and I can't. Anyone know? I've been playing FWE for long enough that I don't remember what the perception rating was like before!
The merchanyt alt start isn't a bad idea. Might look into that
Would it be possible to apply a faster reload time for perception >5 or some sort of variable reload time per perception level, also i take perceptio has an increased accuracy bonus in vats, if not, could this be included for a mild affect. Something that gives special's something other than just a couple of bland affects and slight skill increases
I use Xod's stat changes for perception and charisma from XFO. This means that perception adds an additional multiplier to your accuracy / spread caluclations. With a PER less than 5 you'll be a little more inaccurate, over 5 more accurate than you would otherwise be. I might consider changing this to provide an additional but very minor boost to crit hit chance, similar to luck, but I'm not sure.
just a simple question:
i'm using fwe+fook+wmk and I find lots of 5.56 ammos but no guns using them.
Which guns are supposed to use 5.56s?
Maybe I've messed up something in my installation...
Are you finding 5.56 ammo on killed enemies equipped with guns that use something different, or just lots of 5.56 ammo in containers? The former could be a proble, the later is just a balance issue that needs to be sorted out on FOOK's end of things. FOOK is a nightmare to balanace, let alone when you add the particulars of FWE into the mix. Have you noticed this to be the case when running just FOOK and not FWE?
Thats pretty much what I was getting at. It just strikes me as weird you can't ask people you meet 'Spotted anything interesting on your travels?', or similar. The idea came to me when I was staggering around the map looking for the last few locations. It probably could be done as an independent mod, but it struck me as something that people who'd use FWE would like, so I figured I'd ask Mez, since I'm currently having too much fun playing the game to start trying to mod it.
It's a cool idea, but I'm not in a position to make this mod. I have a few other side projects / additions I'm working on for FWE (and standalone release) since FWE is pretty stable at this point.
Ok 1 problem.
I started a game, played for a little and decided i want to change the char..
So i went to start again, and i cannot for the life of me get Alternate Starts to run at startup... i always go to the baby been born scene...
I have not changed mods or anything
Couple things to try:
- Remove the free play after mainquest mod from FOOK . . . there is a version of that mod in FWE's quest module along with the alt starts.
- Ditto for the "FOOK - Additional Power Armor Training.esp" also in FWE quest.
- The FOOK strength requirements optional patch is built into the FWE - FOOK patch, so that probably isn't needed.
- Remove the following optional mods from MMM:
---- Increased Spawns.esp,
---- Tougher Traders.esp,
---- Zones Respawn.esp
....these are all included in the MMM - FWE patches.
I realize that in the past FWE release I removed the install instructions for MMM + FOOK/CFW compatibilty, thinking that FOIP would do the job . . . but I forget to indicate anywhere that the many of the optional modules are bundled into the compatibility patches themselves.
If those changes don't work, it might be the unofficial patch altering some aspect of the start script that isn't letting the quest module override properly. I can look into getting unofficial patch to work. I admit, I haven't used it myself yet :mellow: Try shutting that off and see if it works. IF that doesn't do, try the Phalanx mod. That's all I can think of.