Could you reduce the radiation you get from being in the water? Aside from it being completely unrealistic, (its 200 years after the war! The water should have been clean by now!) it makes going through water a death sentence. I find it ridiculous that being in water gives 43 rads a second or so, without rad-x. In other words, you'll be dead in less than a minute from standing in a dirty puddle! This makes a LOT of places inaccessible, such as mirelurk grounds or Point Lookout, where there is water everywhere.
The game is challenging enough with FWE, but the radiation is masochistic.
Actually I was really glad that FWE upped the radiation to 40/sec, as before the radiation was basically as you state - clean of rads. You got 1 rad/sec in water, which means that you could go anywhere in the water that you wanted without any fear of radiation, and that you would accumulate way too many rad-away and rad-x. I would argue that the default game makes radiation a non-problem, and it Should be in this game context.
Scientifically speaking, no one should try to claim that X years after the war there would be no rads in the water... How much radiation exists in the water and for how long is directly determined by the type of fissile material used in the bombs, how large the bombs were, how many were dropped, how the weather distributed the fallout, etc, etc. Where I would agree with you is that the radiation level would have decreased to close to zero In the Ocean ONLY. Inside continental boundaries, radiation could persist for a Very long time if enough were dropped in the right place.
Besides this is a game, its not 100% accurate to science, so we just go with it.
I like the high-rads because it actually makes the water a Challenge, makes you think about how to get around it, how to avoid it, and sometimes, how much rad-away you need to survive. It's really a personal preference thing, but after playing it both ways, I prefer as much radiation as I can get! :nuke: