So I finally beat the game (but haven't explored fully) with no mods other than things like fellout. I installed FWE and MMM along with all the required mods to get them working properly. Took the scavenger starting option with points into energy weapons, lockpick and repair which I thought would be fitting and fun to roleplay. On the way to Megaton, I ran into a hive of bloatflies! Running around with my knife, I dispatched them in short order. Noticed a red blip that I decided to go check out (big mistake). I found a dead chinese guy with a sword (awesome!) and a dirty jumpsuit (yay small guns buff). That red blip turned out to be 7 raiders waiting for me around the corner, two who just happened to have flamers. :ahhh: The sprint mod saved me. This sword is awesome. Finally got a laser pistol from the grocery store of doom. I kept having to shoot in the general direction of the raiders since I couldn't hit anything with the .32 revolver I had, then hide behind the walls near the entrances with the nuka cola machines and hack them to death when they would run around to get me. Freakin awesome and very realistic, least to my mind. Of course I can't hit anything at level 2 with no small arms training. That sword has saved me so very many times.
On a side note, my AP is very low. It isn't filling back up for some reason. I thought it had to do with me carrying so much, so I sold my junk and put my extra bullets/guns in my house. I still have no AP regen. Tried sleeping for 24 hours as well. :confused:
On a side note, my AP is very low. It isn't filling back up for some reason. I thought it had to do with me carrying so much, so I sold my junk and put my extra bullets/guns in my house. I still have no AP regen. Tried sleeping for 24 hours as well. :confused:
Yeah I really enjoy this mod aswell, I picked the raider faction and im like 50 hours in, its an up that raider controlled places are friendly, but its a down that outcasts, BoS, and some Rivet City guards are hostile. its all balanced tho.