This is an interesting point. Makes me glad there are a few weapons out there to repair mine with. Less weapons = less repairs = broken weapons. Sounds like a lot of changing to me.
I kinda like FWE how it is, myself. I'm deadly, but so are my enemies. They can head shot me just as easily as I can them and I go down just as fast. Makes me think about routes and planning before I go into a fight. None of this 'run in with guns blazing' stuff. It'll get you killed.
Fair enough, but right now the weapon progression in the game doesn't feel right at all. Right now going in guns blazing can get you killed no matter what you're using simply by being outnumbered. Yeah, the enemies have these fancy weapons as well, but should the weapon be the only factor when determining deadliness? What about creature level, and innate abilities?
My other major issue here is this...should a lowly lvl 5 character (my current character I'm using for testing) have the ability to be stashing an entire armories worth of top tier weapons because they are so plentiful..weapons that should by all accounts be a lot more rare than what they currently are? I've been able to collect enough guns to arm the entire populace of rivet city + megaton several times over. I agree that certain guns should be plentiful, such as the smaller guns (rifles, shotguns, pistols, some of the assault rifles etc), but finding miniguns and LSWs and H&K CAWS all over the place has a pretty negative impact on the realism. I think some tweaking to the availability of these guns should be looked at. Then again, maybe I just have too much an old school mentality about this, in that I prefer having to earn the stuff I find. Walking a click down to super duper mart and having some of the best weapons in the game just doesn't feel very rewarding, at least to me. Right now when you find an H&K CAWS, the reaction is pretty much "oh...ok...another CAWS to throw onto the pile," when it should be "I finally found a decent I can ditch this sawed off"
About the enclave patrols - I've seen them in 2 areas from the start, like most people. On the road to super duper mart near the farm, and outside of wasteland motors. Aside from messing the storyline aspect, it's not that big of a deal...I have more of an issue with the fact that 1) their aim seems to be downright terrible (with laser weapons no less, which are suppose to be fast and accurate), and 2) access to a full suit of enclave armor for your companions right at the beginning of the game. As a rule of principle, I don't allow my companions to wear power armor at least until I can...but hey, that's just me.
A quick question, is there a simple way to reactivate the tracer effect on shots?(havent looked into it)
I haven't seen a global setting. Unfortunately, from I've seen, you'd have to go in and modify each weapon entry under 'tracer chance', then adjust from there. helps with this somewhat, but if you want tracers on any of the FWE exclusive weapons it has to be changed manually, I suppose. This does alter projectile data though from FWE settings.