By the way I need to point out here how much I hate you. I swear to god, every time I've completed some kind of FWE related mod, be it the WMK FOIP patch, the DLC patches or in this case the FWE Foes Reworked mod, two hours later you'll announce a new FWE version and I have to do it all over again.

You're welcome =)
just kidding . . . i know how frustrated I was in the earlier days of FWE trying to stay on top of compatiblity with MMM and WMK . . . which is why FOIP was started in the first place. I may have missed your posts about FWE related updates of other mods . . . so please do let me know here or PM me if there is anything you'd like to time better or coodinate on.
Wierd. Okay I'll look tonight and see what the deal is. Something clearly is not right. 'Kai Hohiro has also informed me that I screwed somehting up in the WMK-FOIP update . . . so I'll fix that as well. grrr . . . darn my sloppy work!