I just have to say that you have all made this game too damn hard ... too difficult.
This is actually very aggravating right now. I can see the Washington monument, but I cannot get to it. I have the setting on the very lowest difficulty 'very easy'. My character is level 9 and has a pretty decent armor rating but not power armor.
I cant get there and every encounter kills me with one spray of bullets.
I'm probably going to cheat.
Just giving you feedback. Too hard.
Working as intended :V
FWE is meant to be seriously hard. Use cover, avoid combat as much as you can, and sneak around alot (even if you don't have a high sneak score, sneaking will at the very least keep distant enemies from noticing you). Using melee weapons or short-range weapons like the flamethrower requires a lot more cleverness and abuse of corners, and in open spaces you have to have a long-range weapon to pick up the slack. Use grenades and mines when you can, stealthboys, the works. Don't ram your head into the wall the same way if you die--if you die, it may be because you had bad luck, but usually when I die I change what I was doing and it sometimes works out for the better. Although, sometimes you have a group of supermutants sneak up on you, or you get gang-rushed by raiders, and there's no way really to survive that other than avoiding getting into that situation in the first place.
Yeah, if you stick your head out of cover, someone can get a lucky shot in your arm and drop you to 50%. It makes returning fire at all sometimes pretty hard. Still, though, your enemies--at least your human enemies--are as weak as you are, and a good shot or two will bring them down as well. For Supermutants, you really should be avoiding them until you have at least like a 75 in your weapon skill and a decent weapon, and even then you have to pick your fights.
I did the Monument run at level 13, on Normal, and got through the Mall and the Museum without dying once. I used a stealthboy to get past the first guards, and hugged corners and used my flamer as enemies came around the corner, aiming for the gun/arm to knock it out of their hands fast. Mostly like that I got through it pretty okay, although I had a bad run-in with some of the raiders in the subway, but that was because I was pretty stupid for a moment and let them swarm me. Out in the open of the Mall I stuck to the edges, and had to use a stealthboy to avoid drawing attention from the huge masses of supermutants, although my second time there I lead them to the BoS guarding the monument and together we were able to take them out.
At the moment I'm level 16, and a pack of supermutants is still scary as all-get-out. I can usually only win if I had a terrain advantage, although I had a close call recently where they caught me in the open and I managed to kill them all with my flamer and pistol using a ruined house as cover.
... but yeah, you're
going to die. It can get frustrating once in a while, but in FWE, you aren't ever going to be near the top of the pecking order, and, I dunno, I kinda like it like that. Even once you get Power Armor and some really nice weapons it's still suicidal to charge an army of supermutants, which I like.
How does reapir work on fwe, my repair level is 35 and i cant repair two handguns that are in terrible codintion together?
I'm not all too smart when it comes to the technical stuff of mods, but I've had some repair list troubles before, myself. Make sure you aren't using any other mod that affects repair lists, and make sure you have all the latest everything? I think you can't repair Chinese Pistols with 10mm pistols and vica versa, either, if that's what you're trying. If it's none of that, I don't know then >_> someone who actually knows what they're talking about will have to help