First of all, since we're talking about armor (are we talking in general or PA?), I'll side with the "You shouldn't be able to loot PA at all" crowd, maybe in the harsher wasteland optional mod or a separate optional one entirely? PA doesn't seem like something you could just rip off someones body, it probably take a lot of effort to get in and get it working with a living person, trying to pull dead weight out of it, after its been broken apart on the outside and inside by bullets and explosions seems unlikely at best. Plus this can let you make PA a bit stronger/intimidating since you'll not have to worry about the player having easy access to it, and force you to use repair parts/merchants to fix it up.
Hello all. I wanted to give a little heads up on the next FWE release, and get some feedback if you are up for it.
Companion Healing Scripts
The biggest change is that jjgun has reworked the companion scripts to require far less micromanagement. We tried to balance the simple "follow and forget" feeling companions had in prior versions of FWE with the desire to have them behave a little more realistically and not magically heal, etc.
In the new version, there is only one stimpak healing effect, which heals health as well as limbs. The amount of health healed is changed to be a percentage of that companion's maximum health. This amount is equal to 50% of their max health plus .25 x Player's Medicine Skill. So at 100 medicine skill your companions will heal for +75% health using a single stimpak. This applies to the base health as well as the health of each limb.
In combat, healing is trigged when health drops below 25%, out-of-combat, they will heal if their health is below 50%.
Healing crippled limbs can only be done outside of combat, provided the companion has medical braces or surgical supplies in their inventory. When the healing scripts run, it checks for all health + limb conditions, and a single stimpak will count towards healing everything. This means that after combat, if they had two broken limbs, the healing script will run and heal both broken limbs (using medical braces). There is a 50-100% chance, based on the player's medicine skill, to recover used medical braces and surgical supplies so they can be re-used, again cutting down the resource drain of having companions.
Optional Follower Module
In addition the above changes, all the changes to followers are now enabled via an optional "Followers Enhanced" module. This has been done due to a number of request for compatibility with other companion mods (Phalanx in particular) and to give players some more options.
The optional module includes the healing changes, the karma based multi-follower support, follower use of ammo, layer usable versiosn of follower weapons + armor, and their essential status. There is a Broken Steel version and a non-Broken Steel version of this patch, so you'll only use one.
Optional Weapon Rarity
I've begun to implement an idea tossed around on the forums, that may be similar to what BRUTE has done with its extreme weapon rarity module. Basically, this module creates 14 new "worn" weapon variants for some of the more common weapons in the wasteland. These weapon variants will show up on all relevant leveled lists INSTEAD of their normal (i.e. good condition) equivolents at low levels. The worn weapons have greatly reduced max condition (so they break more often), do slightly less damage, and have worse accuracy. They also do not accept mod kits.
Normal (good condition) weapons will start appearing on leveled lists at a higher level (I'm thinking 12?), although at a greatly reduced occurance compared to the worn varieties. The lowest tier of most factions will rarely have good condition weapons, while the highest tier of opponents will generally have good condition weapons.
In addition, a higher proportion of spawns will be melee based, instead of gun based. While this might appear to favor the player, it does mean there is significantly less ammo from defeated enemies to be amassed.
I'm still working on the new leveled lists, so any ideas people have for improving these changes in a thoughtful way would be helpful. The objective is to significantly try and cut down on the number of strong weapons floating around, particularly at lower leveles.
Optional Harsher Wasteland
This is another optional module that's designed to work with the Weapon Rarity mod (although it can be used by itself as well). Basically, this mod goes through many of the gamesettings and leveled lists for chems, medicine, and ammo to greatly reduce the appearance of those items. The aim of this module is to make the gameworld even more unforgiving (for those who asked for it) and provide a greater sense of challenge.
Essentially, you'll find that:
- Stimpaks and healing supplies are even rarer
- Stimpaks heal over 10 seconds instead of 5
- The appearance of drugs/chems is greatly reduced
- Morphine provides a much smaller DR bonus in addition to the ignore cippled limb effect.
- Ammo found in loot and vendors has been greatly reduced. Rare ammo types are pretty rare now, and the total quantities should be close to half what they are now.
- Tweaked the accuracy formulas so gun condition has an even more pronounced effect on accuracy, with a slight reduction in the base accuracy as well. Generally, you'll be less accurate across the board.
- Slightly increased global damage (2.25 to 2.5).
- Adjusted barter buy/sell gamesettings. The base purchasing cost is now 4x the base value (was 3x), and you get a little less from selling equipment as well. The result is that at 100 barter you can't trade for an equal exhance anymore.
- Reduced carryweight noticeably, with strength providing +15 carry weight instead of +25 per point.
- Reduced the base action points, but increased the amount provided by agility. It results in a slightly smaller pool of AP's overall, with agility determining AP's even more than in the current FWE.
Again, if there other ideas people have for changes to this module, (or anything else) . . . please let me know!
The follower changes sound great.
The weapon rarity sounds good overall, thought I'd prefer not having a magical level when you start seeing them and just having them always have a rare (rare rare?) chance of appearing on someones list, so you might get really lucky and find that good condition sniper rifle at level 1, which always adds a little excitement when you're 'dungeon' diving, the hope you might hit the "mother load".
The harsher wasteland sounds right up my alley, thought I would argue that the merchants should still carry (what already little) default ammo they have. With the barter/ammo loot list changes it seems balanced enough, and would further impress the idea of the need to barter with people for supplies to survive. Also I'm just not a fan of the lowered STR - weight, and with the economy being even harsher it would just mean I have to make that many more ferry trips to and from the area I cleared out to get some caps/supplies from merchants. Seem's like unnecessary annoyance and nothing more.
Might I also suggest (probably for the harsher wasteland, maybe its own seperate mod) making muties stronger? Like in the current FWE, they don't really pose that much of a threat to my character, thought I don't understand why, in some other forum I read people post videos/talk about them being much stronger then they are in my setup. I can headshot normal muties and take out brutes/masters in 2/3 shots; maybe its because I have nearly 100 small guns and a good condition rifle, but I've seen videos of them eating multiple grenades and I can kill them with one or two and my explosives is really bad as well (default 20ish), so I dunno that might be a seperate issue for me. Thought randomly centaurs will be ridiculously strong, which is what I would like, but normally they're pushovers. Anyway I told you all that to say I would suggest like a 50% health increase for mutants, based on my experience, whether or not it's flawed is something else entirely.