I seem to have a problem with FWE atm. I have used it a few months ago with no problems, but now after picking up the latest DLC's I though I'd restart with all the lastest everything, including the 1.6 patch (after reading that 1.7 didn't do much good). The problem is that I don' start in the alternate histories-shack, but get the regular start. Thus the settings and options I recall getting at the start back when everything worked isn't there, and presumeably other parts of the mod don't work.
Keep in mind- most FWE configurable options will be given to you only when you leave vault 101/shack. In vault FWE partially disabled and it is normal. If FWE quests don't activated properly after leaving shack/vault 101, post here your load order please.
I've followed install instructions to the letter afaik, including using the fo3edit/masterupdate utility, and everything seems to work. Except that it doesn't. Also, darnified UI opens up an info window as soon as I hit esc, and there's no way to remove that window ingame. Meaning ctrl-alt-del is the only option.
I don't understand it. Which info window do you mean? May be config menu for the DUI? If yes- try to reinstall DARNUI with help of package manager in the FOMOD and agree to modifications in your ini file. Without it DARNUI can be weird in look.
Aside from FWE and it's prerequisites FOSE, FOMM, CRAFT and CALIBR I use the DLC-support part, the unofficial patch, MMM and darnified UI, placed in what afaik is the correct order, and I laso have bobbleheads begone and wasteland mastery, two mods I've always used and that haven't caused any issues before. And even so I'd think those issues would come later, the fact that I always get the regular vault start indicates that FWE doesn't take at all (though playing a little bit in there are signs that parts of it do; altered SPECIAL and weapon dmg and such).
You don't need bobbleheads begone with FWE, FWE have it's own alternative to this, you may have conflict here. Wasteland mastery must work just fine.
So I would love to get back to FWE but tweak it a bit more to my liking. Its great that you can Turn off Primay Needs and tha the motorcycle is optional, could we have the option of turning off Triage? Or can I disable it myself? Also how can Make it not quiet so deadly?
It is all possible if you have time and knowlege, but if you have only 1-2 hours in a day, you possibly don't have the time
There is no easy way tu turn off TRIAGE. To make weaponry less deadly you need to edit each weapon entry in the mod. It will be much easier to learn how to play.
-Take attention to endurance and strength if you don't want to play sneaky character, it will give to you more hitpoints and carry weight.
-Don't use optional VATS and fast travel components, use VATS and bullet time more often.
-Take cover when attacked. Use sprint to take advantageous position
-Use companions. If you don't like vanilla companions there is many mods, which give you alternative. For example- Enclave Commander. It will provide you not only with unlimited number of soldiers, it give to you tactical possibilities, such as reconnaissance. You will have also possibility to pick-up power armor from the beginning of the game.
-use drugs more often, you can hotkey them for the easy use. Especially such as psicho, buffaut, morfine. Drugs have ability to ignore crippled limbs, boost your health and greatly increase your damage resistance.
-Use alternative armors mods, such us TUPAM. TUPAM have more powerfull power armors and remove necessity in power armor training.
-When you visit the doctors, buy any coldturkene they can provide- it heal from all addictions.
-Don't forget about repair skill. Armor and weapon in good condition much more effective.
-Good luck
Ok, i was trying out FOOK2 for a while now after finding FWE getting frustratingly tedious. But now FOOK2 just bores me as it feels much to easy compared to FWE and I find it adds just a bit too much in terms of weapons.
It is no FOOK or FWE faults that you don't like them