i didnt really notice the lagtime from the shotguns. i was using the CAWS and the other one (forgot the name) and really only stopped using them after i got the metal blaster.
Did you never notice any short pauses when firing the metal blaster or when looting enemies from time to time?
If not at all, have you performend any kind of ini tweaks and what kind of CPU/RAM do you have?
I should have clearer here, to many of My posts with no response. I can see quite well that users of FWE get a lot of support in this and other threads.
Your one of our most experienced players, who understands how mods work, so I do tend to take particular note of everything you post. I assure you we really try to read everything posted in these threads, even if we don't directly reply to it.
Also, in case it's relevant, I spent a few hours fixing every incompatibility I could find in FO3Edit, and the bug doesn't seem to go away upon deactivating all of my mods.
Megaton loaded fine beforehand, and only began to not load properly after installing FWE.
Any help would be appreciated, as it's annoying to have to save every time I enter a door in case it gives me a CTD.
How did you "fix" every incompatbility? There need to be conflicts otherwise stuff isn't working right.
Anyway FWE shouldn't cause any crashes itself. What you need to try is deactivate all your mods, make a save game, quit Fallout, restart it and load that new save game. You now have a clean save and if you're still getting CTDs it's not mod related(only replacer mods for textures, models, etc. will remain active, because those you have to completely uninstall since they are not esp dependant).
Also FWE doesn't actually change anything at all in Megaton and nothing in most Metro stations either, so in anyway it's unlikely to be caused by FWE.
And regarding your LO:
ProjectBeauty shoujld be loaded just after Fallout3 and all DLCs and before ALL other mods. Enhanced Weather and Fellout esps should be loaded at the bottom.