Hey guys, I'd like to make two requests for scripting addons to the startup for FWE's alternate starts component.
Add a check on game start to see if the player has completed the ESCAPE! quest.
1. If the player has completed ESCAPE!, offer the player the chance to be transported to the alternate starts shack. This would only happen on savegames that were played without FWE, as the quest would set a variable telling itself 'this is an FWE save'.
Essentially, on a new game start, whether into the vault, or into the alternate start shack, when the player leaves the vault, you would tag the exit door script to add a variable like 'FWEsave == 1'
You would also script the bed in the alternate starts shack to add this variable.
This means that either way, when a new game is started, that character is forever after labeled as an FWE character, as long as they have kept FWE installed, that is.
Now, the reason for this:
2. If a player 'imports' a savegame that was made WITHOUT FWE, there is a high chance they have taken perks that FWE does not allow, and furthermore which can LOCK UP FWE during levelup.
The solution for this is to give the player a messagebox telling them 'Non FWE character detected, transporting to re-leveling chamber'.
Once the player is inside the shack, inform them that due to savegame incompatibility, they will be releveled to their current level, keeping their equipment and completed quests.
3. Store the characters current Level, then remove all their perks, delevel them to level 1, lower their HP to that of a level 1 character, and change all their stats to 5, then add an option to the computer to restore their current level, according to the FWE systems xp requirements for that level. This lets them reassign stats, karma, and then grab back their level if they want.
This way the character STILL has all the quests done that they completed, has the OPTION to keep all their gear, or trade any or all of it for caps, and the character gets converted to an FWE-friendly format that won't lock the game up on levelup.
I know I'm bad at explaining stuff, so if you need clarification, or if you like the idea but don't have the time/resources to develop it, let me know and I'll try to be more clear and/or lend a helping hand if I can.
Next, could you add two more options to the alternate starts backgrounds? I'd really like to see Grognak brought back, and I'd LOVE to see a character class 'SNIPER' that starts with the sniper perk.
I'll even write the backstory if you want
The 'sniper' would start with a sniper rifle in medium condition, the sniper perk, 20 rounds of .308 ammo, a combat knife, and a recon armor and recon helmet. Exiting the shack would place the player on the rocks above and overlooking Springvale school, in a position where the raiders can't see him, but where he could snipe the raiders outdoors in back of the school if he so chooses.