One change I would like to see in FWE/Primary Needs, is the option (a setting in PN) that if you fill one empty bottle with water you fill all of the empty bottles in your inventory.
I love Fallout. I REALLY love FWE Fallout, but I feel silly standing by a sink filling up one empty bottle at a time with water.
Just something to consider for next time.
As a tip, you can simply put the bottles onto a hotkey, that makes it pretty quick.
Speaking of the next FWE, is there a rough ETA on FWE 5.0?
Thanks and keep up the AMAZING work you guys.
Not too far off anymore. The menu just takes a fair amount of time of writing and testing.
It's worth it though and will quiet anybody who complains about FWE being too unmodular
You can simply configure sooo many options through the menu...
Want harder sneaking settings? BAMM you got it. Want to decrease damage on all weapons? BAMM one click away. Want weapons skills to only affect accuracy and not damage at all? BAMM you got it. Want to find less drugs in containers? BAMM not a problem. Simply want to use Vanilla Fallout settings instead of any modded ones?...BAMM there it is.
Lots and lots of powerful stuff, it's like build your own mod, just instead of fighting around with the GECK or a large number of esps, you do it comfortably through an ingame menu.
You can even configure Mart's Mutant Mod through our menu, how fancy is that?
..what's with all the BAMM today, geez...