Crapjackers, was hoping you had one of your magical instant-answers ...
could it be uninstalling ReAnimated? - having Groovatron? ... i'm just spitballin' here.
Don't want to bug you with that :wink_smile:
Nothing fancy, this is simply a modification of my FPS Grenade Hotkey. Default Hotkey is C and default hotkey weapon is a combat knife.
You can change the hotkey and the hotkeyed weapon in the Knife Hotkey menu(can be found in the 'Aid' tab in your inventory).
Throwable Knifes, now that's awesome. Dodge + Charge + Tackle + Throwable Knifes ... i can't wait to start a melee-toon.
So ... it might actually work with, can't wait to give it a try. That was on my mind since i tried it while back.
Haven't had FO3 or a gaming rig for a while so i'm playing catch-up :ahhh:
As for openly professing my love ... i'm not doing that anymore.
Did it on the nexus a while back and you took your whole page offline :blush2:
Just kidding ... it was v4's impending doom AKA v5