Nobody is being defensive about anything.
90% of the issues people report are bugs caused by other mods or vanilla Fallout. 9.99% Aren't actually bugs but people simply not reading the readme(ala where are my Karma messages?). And 0.01% percent are actual bugs.
The vast majority of bugs in the old versions were never found by players, but usually by dev team members.
We don't mind feedback, not at all, but most of the time people come in here shouting "BUG BUG" just because FWE is the biggest mod in their load order so naturally it has to be caused by it, which is almost never the case.
Since it was my initial message that seemed to cause things to get a bit heated, I'd like to jump in again quick, I should clarify my original post.
I'm very happy with the bobblehead system as it is. There is nothing wrong with it, nor are there any bugs. I've since realized it's more a case of mis-communication in regards to how the bobbleheads work. There is no mention in the current documentation of FWE of using z+e to pick up the new static bobbleheads after you drop them from your inventory. So if you haven't been using FWE for quite some time or didn't read the old documentation that included the original readme for the Interactive Bobbleheads, You probably don't know about the z+e pickup. Or have since forgot.
If there is any problem, that's really about the only one. Now the medicine bobblehead in vault 101 is a unique situation. Normally you activate a bobblehead, get the bonus, and it goes into your inventory. Most people may never drop them from inventory after that, and instead go right for the new display added to FWE. In the case of the vault 101 medicine bobblehead, it's removed from your inventory without input from you (if you pick it up before the goat exam/amata waking you). It's easy to forget the z+e option or even realize that the bobblehead on the desk in your room is the static version that you can pick up with z+e. All thats needed for the 101 bobble is to just remember that the bobble on your desk is the static version, and to use z+e to pick it up.
I hope this helps to clear up my original message.
Edit: In regards to an improvement. In the case of the 101 bobble, instead of placing it on the desk, could you not just put it back into the players inventory after Amata wakes you? As for the z+e pickup, maybe a quick popup message at the start of the game or when you initially activate a bobble, reminding players about the z+e pickup if/when they drop them from inventory.