This may be addressed in here, I haven't looked so if it is I apologize. I just recently started using FWE and think it is fantastic. I have a small problem though, in that the Chinese stealth suit helmet does not seem to be able to toggle the night vision effect. Power armor helmets, and recon helmets both work fine, just not the stealth suit. FO3Edit doesn't indicate any conflicts where the armor itself is concerned, but I'm guessing it's some kind of list that a script looks at. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem or how I can try to address it myself. Thanks in advance.
You need to create a merged patch so the formlist that the night vision uses includes all the possible helms from the DLC support patches. If you are using MMM, all DLC, and WMK then you can use Mez's merged patch (from the FWE Nexus page), otherwise you'll need to use FO3Edit to make your own merged patch.
One of the raiders had a fully repaired Shishkebab! Wonder what happened and who she was. Just glad I didn't have to fight her, boy that would have gone bad. Anyway now it's much easier as I need only whack things one or two times and it's dead. Question: Can raiders really spawn with these nasty weapons on a regular basis or did I just get a lucky spawn?
LOL, I've never encountered a raider with a shishkebab
Is this something Kai snuck in under my nose? just kidding . . .
Played around with increased spawns and a stealth char tonight. It didn't go well. I'm thinking survival in the very early going depends on getting as high of DR as possible, buffing to the max with chems, and then using a mix of explosives, good weapon skill, and some tactics. I went into superdupermart with a wastelander outfit and silenced hunting rifle. Sure, I could sneak a bit, but I couldn't kill squat and when I got mobbed it was over.
Superdupermart really isn't the easiest place to hit first unless you exploit the doors (the raiders won't follow you outside if you run away). For reference, if there are skills you want to raise early, there are a couple of options. For sneak, say you took Agility 7, you'd start with 21 in stealth. You could tag the skill for an immediate +10 (to 31). On your first level up out of the shack/vault, if using the default skill gain, you could probably get 12 points into stealth (for +24 since it's tagged), bringing it up to 55 or so. If you want to stack benefits, taking the thief perks will get you up to about 60 stealth at level 2, which isn't so bad. By level 3 you could get it to 60 + 5 + 24 = 89, so it's almost maxed
People have discussed the various pro's + con's of tagging skills versus taking the 5-rank (with mastery) skill perks. If you really want to min-max your character, it doesn't make sense to tag a skill AND take the related perk, since you won't get as much benefit out of your tagged skill since you'll hit the skill cap so quickly. However, that perspective ignores the fact that, using the thief perk, it's also raising your lockpick skill. Furthermore, in my opinion, the biggest advantage of the tagged skills is that it lets you get a few skills up to higher levels quickly as a chracter defining thing, and gives you a few skills to work with when your broke and only have low quality equipment. If you want a harsher experience, I'd really suggest changing the skill gain per level in the control panel down to the base +5/level or +3/level, that makes the game tough and also drags out the benefit of tagged skills more.