A quick warstory:
-So, as I mentioned above, I lost RL-3, so me and Malcolm made an ill-advised decision to try and keep pushing for the Museum of History, despite the fact that our supplies were also starting to dwindle. We figured: Hey, how hard can it be?
On the way to the Mall, we came out of one metro station and faced a **** ton of raiders with automatic weapons. Some were up in buildings, meaning we were getting shot at above and below. We just stumbled into it blindly, without shooting up any chems or anything, so we ended up getting mowed down. Frustrated, like a golfer having a bad day, I gave myself another mulligan and, this time, Malcolm and I stuck tight together and methodically took out the raiders. So, we carried on. This time we had great success and managed to get to the metro exit leading directly to the mall.
Like an over-exuberant child, we didn't learn our lesson, and stumbled out, once again, into complete hell. This time it was muties with automatics. Malcolm fought bravely and got mowed down. Morphine was the only thing keeping me upright as *every* part of my body was crippled. About 8-10 muties finished me off.
I've sinced decided to write-off the whole experience rather than start a new game, since I'm enjoying this character. I went back to my GNR saved game and went back to Megaton instead of pushing forward. I got RL-3 reset by Gary and then hired Jericho, since I had a spare set of power armor from the behemoth GNR fight. I loaded Jericho up with power armor, a mix of big and small guns, and then went and traded in some tech to Cazdin to load up on 5.56 and stims. RL-3 is set, Malcolm specialized in energy weapons and is loaded up, Jericho is loaded up, I'm loaded up. Every remaining quest that I have points toward downtown.
I'm headed back downtown and, this time, I'm gonna be the one unleashing hell
Along the way, I should hit level 10 and the level scaling in F03 is starting to throw some mid-level enemies at me, which is fun, fun.