I just...
Spoiler ...went through the Yao Guai cave and found two AWESOME energy pistols -- the Heat Blaster and another one whose name I don't quite remember but it doesn't matter, 'cause the Heat Blaster is a frikkin' cannon!! Hell, I haven't even put any points into Energy Weapons yet, and even in spite of that the gun just blows everything away. You guys sure it isn't overpowered? I checked the info using the S button and the VATS critical chance multiplier was something ridiculously high like 25 or so.. Also its value was well into the thousands; 3000 caps or so if I remember correctly. Is this right?
Anyway, I just wanted to say awesome job on the mod, guys. I'm really enjoying it now that I've got my game set up the way I want it. Now if only I had 33% VATS damage, my game would be pretty much perfect. :woot:
Kai, I checked the Recon armor damage rating (after seemingly ignoring it in the bewilderment that the weight raise from 5 to 15 lbs caused to me) and yeah, it is fairly well balanced. However, I still think that for a stealthy armor it is too heavy even if the weight
is 15 in vanilla also, given that even a few of the Raider armors weigh less and they are clearly not intended for "reconnaissance" of any type. But hey, that's just my opinion. Doesn't make the armor any less attractive what with the higher DR and NV. :wink_smile: