Mm, I've been playing a little and noticed that I'm jabbing those giant 'stimpack' needles in to my head rather often. *paws temple consolingly*

Anyway, I remembered reading in Arwen's Tweaks that the chance of headshots was lowered, and had been rummaging through her .esp, (still) trying to find how it was done, and I noticed this...
FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Main File.esp/Body Part Data/PlayerBodyPartData/
(Damage Multiplier)(Health Percent)(Effective Health)
Torso --- x1.0 --- 60 --- 60
Arms --- x0.33 --- 25 --- 75
Legs --- x0.5 --- 25 --- 50
Head --- x2.0 --- 20 --- 10
Which I guess explains my glass head, and I just thought to post it as the numbers looked a little odd, incase it was an oversight (arms being harder to cripple than the chest).