Choosing +10 for Skill Bobbleheads doesn't retroactively add 5 points for the Medicine Bobblehead if you pick it up in the Vault at the beginning... I also assume this to be true in the Alt Start Shack.
could just resort to a one-time "player.modav medicine 5" before I leave the Vault... Unless this is for some reason a bad idea? Basically the gist of this is that for my first time through with FWE, I was expecting to start with 41/44 Medicine depending on INT and have "Free Perks" from Triage turned on, so I could have Wasteland Doctor from the get-go.
Of course what I'm asking is if this would be something that you think should be fixed? I guess 5.x just recently introduced the menu system, so maybe it wasn't thought of about the Medicine Bobblehead? Because obviously the assumption used to be that Bobbleheads will always be +5, no matter what. So I'm not sure if it's technically a bug, or what.
Also, the "Tag!" Perk does retroactively award 2 skill points per point put in, right? This is how I described it when I created the Perks list for the FWE site, but really the in-game description for Tag! wasn't clear enough that I was absolutely certain. So, example skill that starts at 21. You put 15 points into it and nothing else has increased it so it's 36. Then you get the Tag! Perk next level and it ends up being 36 + 10 + 2*(36-21) = 76, correct?
Another reason I ask about these two things in particular is that I want to RELz a Character Planner/Journal that I've been working on, that supports FWE. It's basically done, but now I have a few of these inconsistencies to deal with.

Here's a of it if anyone is interested.