* Fallout 3: Improved Charon and Ahzrukhal fix, instead of resetting the dialogue option allowing you to start the event again Charon's and Ahzrukhal's AI will simply be reset allowing the event to procede normally (Altered Script: UF3PCaAFixScript). * UF3P: Corrected typo in the scripts for the fixes "Fixed Wasteland Survival Guide quest not checking\calculating the correct health percent." and "Fixed Prototype Medic Power Armor not checking\calculating the correct health percent." which broke them totally, turns out you can only use forward slashes in sums (eg. 20 / 100) but if you use a backslash it doesn't work plus the G.E.C.K doesn't complain about it so I had no idea (Altered Script: MS14PowerArmorScript, MS03script). * UF3P: Fixed Ninja perk fix (Removed Perk Alter: Ninja, Altered Actor Effect: PerkNinja).
* Fallout 3: Fixed the targets you have to shoot with the BB Gun in the quest "Growing Up Fast", the quest said "Shoot all three targets with the BB Gun." yet you could shoot 1 target 3 times, fixed only 1 target having a quest marker on it (other 2 didn't have the condition setup correctly) also the quest marker on the target will now vanish once you shoot it (Altered Script: CG02TargetSCRIPT, Altered Quest: CG02). * Fallout 3: Fixed objective display issues in the Tenpenny Tower quest, only 1 of the 2 generators where displayed as an objective and the terminal wasn't being displayed as an objective even though it was setup to (don't think terminals can be marked as objectives?) also the objective marks will now disappear too (Altered Quest MS12, Altered Cell: WarringtonStation03). * Fallout 3: Fixed the bartender killing event, no longer possiable to talk to either Ymir or Frank which caused it to break (Altered Script: YmirSCRIPT, New Message: UF3PNameBlank, UF3PNameYmir, UF3PNameFrank). * Fallout 3: Fixed Wasteland Survival Guide quest not checking\calculating the correct health percent (Altered Script: MS03script). * Fallout 3: Fixed Goalie Ledoux, Centre Dubois and Winger Gervais not appearing and Milo, Shipping Foreman missing the "May I have the key to the Research Safe?" dialogue option if you found the Nuka-Cola Clear Formula before or after the "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" quest (Altered Dialogue: MS05TLRDSafeKey, Added Quest: UF3PFTFFix, Added Script: UF3PFTFFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed objective "Kill all the slavers near the Lincoln Memorial." for the quest "Head of State" not being marked as completed even though it was, had not effect on the quest progression at all, just a little display bug (Altered Script: MS06Script).
* Fallout 3: Fixed the Bloody Mess perk making it harder to complete the quest "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" since Bloody Mess can blow off more then the head if you get a head shot causing the script to mess up, the "Bloody Mess" part (not the damage) of the perk will be disabled when the quest starts and enabled again once the quest finishes (Altered Actor Effect: PerkBloodyMess). * Fallout 3: Fixed Pyromancer perk, added Nuka-Grenade, Burnmaster and Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol to the list that this perk affects (Altered Form List: PerkPyromaniacWeapons). * Fallout 3: Fixed Nuka-Grenade not being classed as an explosive by the Demolition Expert perk (Altered Form List: PerkDemolitionExpertWeapons). * Fallout 3: Fixed the Ninja Perk, it will now grant +15% increased crit chance with melee and unarmed weapons (Altered Perk: Ninja).
* Fallout 3: Fixed opening the Behemoth's gate via the switch at Evergreen Mills causing him not to come out and attack (Altered Script: EvergreenMillsElectricalSwitch01SCRIPT). * Fallout 3: Fixed Paladin Hoss, Brotherhood of Steel Paladin and Initiate Pek following the play around after completeing the quest at Falls Church (Altered AI Package: FF02FallChurchPaladinHossFollowPlayer, FF02BrotherhoodKnightFollowPlayer). * Fallout 3: Fixed the Brahmin at Girdershade, it was the Megaton Brahmin thus it would always travel back to Megaton (if it could survive the trip) if you came across it, replaced it with the default Brahmin which won't travel (Altered Cell: Wasteland>GirderShadeExterior). * Fallout 3: Fixed Goalie Ledoux not running away after giving him the Nuka-Cola Clear Formula also Goalie Ledoux, Centre Dubois and Winger Gervais will now immediately run away after you give Goalie Ledoux the Nuka-Cola Clear Formula (Altered AI Package: SDOLedouxDialogPackage, Altered Script: SDOHandlerScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Sonora Cruz bad AI causing her to run away, also gave her a default AI package so she wanders around and she will also teleport back to the Regulator's HQ if she happened to of run away aready (Altered NPC: SonoraCruz, Altered Cell: zRegulatorHQInterior). * Fallout 3: Fixed Shrapnel's AI packages, his sleep pagkages where set for him to sleep near to where Flak was... if Flak happened to be enslaved then Shrapnel would travel the wastelands to get to Flak so he could sleep near him (Altered AI Package: ShrapnelSleepSat23x8, ShrapnelSleep3x8NotSat). * Fallout 3: Charon and Ahzrukhal will no longer become "stuck" if you walk too close to them while they are discussing the "end" of the contract also fixed Ahzrukhal not saying the dialogue line he was ment to (Altered AI Package: UnderworldCharonKillAhzrukhalSceneDialogue, Added Quest: UF3PCaAFix, Added Script: UF3PCaAFixScript).
* Fallout 3: Fixed GameDaysPassed calculating incorrectly, the more time you played the game the the bigger the gap would be when the day changed in the sleep\wait screen (day would change at say 7am after playing for 20 hours) (New Quest: UF3PGameDaysPassedFix, New Script: UF3PGameDaysPassedFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Lucky 8 Ball not behaving correctly (if you put it into a container the luck bonus would not be removed and then when you took it out the luck bonus would be removed, also the luck bonus wouldn't be removed if the Lucky 8 Ball was removed from you via RemoveAllItems) (Altered Script: MS01Lucky8BallScript, Altered Spell: MS01Lucky8BallAbility, New Base Effect: UF3PLuckyEightBallMagicEffect, New Script: UF3PLuckyEightBallMagicEffectScript). * Fallout 3: Added measures to retreive NPC's that vanish to the twilight zone in Megaton (New Activator: UF3PMissingNPCFixerActivator, New Script: UF3PMissingNPCFixerScript, Altered Cell: MegatonWorld>Wilderness 0,-1). * Fallout 3: Fixed all of Arefu becoming hostile to you if 1 of them happened to die not by your hands... say high speed trolly\barrel some random creature ect (Altered Script: MS09ArefuResidentScriptEvanKing, MS09ArefuResidentScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Ash and Goo piles not vanishing upon cell reset if the reference was persistant (Added Script: UF3PCleanupAshAndGooPiles, Altered Activator: DefaultAshPile1, DefaultAshPile2). * Fallout 3: Fixed Cheng Personal Computer not displaying a Daily Affirmation for Saturday, the Saturday Daily Affirmation condition was set to "GetIsID" instead of "GetDayOfWeek" (Altered Terminal: IrvingChengTerminal, MS12TenpennyIrvingChengTerminal). * Fallout 3: Fixed The AntAgonizer's and The Mechanist's minions respawning (New Script: UF3PRespawnFix, Altered Creature: MS02BattleAnt, MS02BattleRobot). * Fallout 3: Fixed the "Crumpled Note" in the "The Brass Latern" that was embedded in the wall preventing you from picking it up and gaining the password to to unlock the terminal (Altered Cell: MegatonTheBrassLantern). * Fallout 3: Fixed incorrect gender check which made females unable to intimidate Andy Stahl with their strength (Altered Dialogue: MegAndyGreetingIntimidate>"Well now, looks like..." 1D2D0). * Fallout 3: Fixed Eat'o'tronic 3000's being activatable if they where already open by default also fixed it so if the Eat'o'tronic 3000 happened to reset (closed) somehow you can open it again (Altered Script: AutomatScript01). * Fallout 3: Fixed Prototype Medic Power Armor not checking\calculating the correct health percent(Altered Script: MS14PowerArmorScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed destroying the Masterbrain's security uplink causing all the dead robots to resurrect (Altered Script: MS17QuestScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Evan King having no key to open his house which prevented several AI packages from working correctly (Altered NPC: EvanKing, New Key: UF3PArefuEvanKingHouseKey, Altered Cell: ArefuKingResidence). * Fallout 3: Fixed Three Dog going on about "grayditch has gone quiet" even after the quest "Those!" was completed. It had a bad check, was "GetStage MS04 < 200" thing is stage 200 didn't exist only 100 so it was always returning true thus you always got that news no matter what (Altered Dialogue: 96D7F) * Fallout 3: Fixed Three Dog's Paradigm of Humanity dialogue missing gender checks causing him not to say the right lines if you where female (Altered Dialgoue: 58079, 5807A, 5807B, 5807C) * Fallout 3: Fixed Three Dog's Head of State dialogue missing a gender check (Altered Dialogue: 5C94B). * Fallout 3: Fixed missing scripting from Three Dog's dialogue about the quest "Trouble on the Home Front" (Altered Dialogue: 5C8E8). * Fallout 3: Added in missing dialogue which prevented Three Dog talking about the Outcasts and Brotherhood (Altered Dialogue: RadioGNRNewsStoryGenericRELAY 96D77). * Fallout 3: Fixed Three Dog not talking about the quest "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" before you completed it (Altered Dialogue: RadioGNRPlayerExploitsRELAY>AFC0D, RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05>5A54B, RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05>5A54C, RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS05>5A54D) * Fallout 3: Fixed Three Dog's dialogue about the Last, Best Hope of Humanity not running for males due to a bad karma check (Altered Dialgoue: 58080). * Fallout 3: Fixed Colin Moriarty missing the key Jericho talks about to unlock his "Filing Cabinet" (Altered NPC: ColinMoriarty). * Fallout 3: Fixed the "Filing Cabinet" Jericho talks about not actually being a filing cabinet but a gun cabinet, also renamed it to "Moriarty's Filing Cabinet" and replaced the shotgun\ammo in it with respawning caps to match what Jericho says (Altered Container: MegatonColinsCabinet, Altered Cell: MegatonMoriartysSaloon) * Fallout 3: Fixed inaccessable "Tumblers Today" book in Vault 108, it is now ontop the step ladder instead of underneath it (Altered Cell: Vault108a). * Fallout 3: Fixed Bubblegum showing it gives 0 rads but actually gives 1 rad (Altered Ingestible: Bubblegum). * Fallout 3: Fixed Gandma Sparkles checking her own karma instead of the player's for her dialogue responces (Altered Dialogue: FFDCRockCreekGrandmaRumors>"Some fellas came by here a while ago that said they was lookin' for some troublemaker...", FFDCRockCreekGrandmaRumors>"Some fellas came by here a while ago that said they was lookin' for some dogooder...").
* Fallout 3: Fixed Dave's safe counting as steal if Rosie won the election and gave you the code and told you to help yourself to it (Altered Dialogue: GREETING>"Well now... who could have...", Added Quest: UF3PRDSOFix, Added Script: UF3PRDSOFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Herbert "Daring" Dashwood safe counting as stealing even though he gave you the key to it (Altered Dialogue: DarningArgyleDeadTopic>"Dead? Argyle?...", Altered Cell: Tenpenny02, Added Quest: UF3PHDDSFix, Added Script: UF3PHDDSFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed all containers in the player's house in Megaton, items will no longer vanish or will npc's steal from them also set the cell ownership to the player so things shouldn't get marked as "stolen" sometimes if you leave them around the place (Altered Cell: MegatonPlayerHouse). * Fallout 3: Fixed Citadel - A Ring, Citidel - B Ring and Citadel - Laboratory, now are owned by the Brotherhood of Steel (Altered Cell: CitadelARing, CitadelBRing, CitadelLob). * Fallout 3: Fixed 5 ammo boxes near the Brotherhood fo Steel in the Arlington Library, they now belong to them (Altered Cell: ArlingtonLibrary01). * Fallout 3: Fixed the Regulator Headquarters not belonging to the Regulator's (Altered Cell: zRegulatorHQInterior). (Decane comment: But the player is a regulator if he has the perk) * Fallout 3: Fixed metal box and ammo box not being owned (red) by the Republic of Dave (Altered Cell: Wasteland>RepublicofDave 19, 27). * Fallout 3: Fixed various items near the Brotherhood of Steel guard not belong to the Brotherhood of Steel faction (Altered Cell: TaftTunnel01).
* Fallout 3: Fixed Donovan's Wrench still being a quest item after the completion\failure of the Reilly's Rangers quest (Altered Quest: MS18, New Quest: UF3PDWFix, New Script: UF3PDWFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed The Mechanist dialogue check only requiring The AntAgonizer's suit yet it removed both the suit and helmet from the player and it gave them to he Mechanist allowing you to get a second copy of the helmet if you killed/pickpocketed him (Altered Dialogue: GREETINGS>MS02> "Well Done!..." and "You had best..."). * Fallout 3: Fixed Button Gwinnett not removing the Ink Container from you, upon Button Gwinnett's death the Ink Container will be removed from your inventory and the Restoration Supplies Container, also it will be removed from your inventory if you have already completed the quest before using UF3P (Altered Dialogue: GREETINGS>"Saints alive!...", Altered Script: ButtonGwinnettScript, Added Quest: UF3PICFix, Added Script: UF3PICFixScript). * Fallout 3: Fixed Sydney's ammo case so it will now only appear when she has arrived at The Ninth Circle also she now has her key to unlock the ammo case (Altered Script: MS15SydneyScript, Altered Quest: MS15 (altered stage 100 script)). * Fallout 3: Fixed being able to get unlimited amounts of Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG and 10mm ammo (Altered Dialogue: MS15FinTLSydneyBackground03 b39f6).
* Changed the name of "Power Helmet" to "Brotherhood Power Helmet" as both "Power Helmet" and "Brotherhood Power Helmet" are identical (Altered Armor: ArmorPowerHelmet). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, "Splitting" to "Spitting" to match the audio (Altered Dialogue: MQ01ThreeDogCT03a>"Oh come on..." BC71E). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, "Shot glass" is now known as "Shot Glass" (Altered Misc Item: ShotGlass01). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, "Pre-war Money" is now known as "Pre-War Money" (this is the only item with pre-war in its name not to be capatilised) (Altered Misc Item: PrewarMoney). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, "Nuka-Cola fridge" is now known as "Nuka-Cola Fridge" (Altered Container: NukaFridge). * Fallout 3: Fixed incorrect name of map maker, marker was nammed "Flooded Metro" yet it lead to "Arlington/Wasteland Metro" and there was already an instance of "Flooded Metro" too (Altered Cell: Wasteland>ArlingtontoWasteland 7,-8). * Fallout 3: Changed "Enter character name." to "Enter character name:" (Altered Game Setting: sEnterName). * Fallout 3: Fixed Shady Hat having incorrect object effect name, changed "Head gear" to "Shady Hat" (Altered Object Effect: EnchClothingShadySunGuard). * Fallout 3: Fixed T-51B Power Armor having incorrect object effect name, changed "T-51b Armor" to "T-51b Power Armor" (Altered Object Effect: EnchT51bArmor). * Fallout 3: Fixed T-51B Power Helmet having incorrect object effect name, changed "T-51b Armor Helmet" to "T-51b Power Helmet" (Altered Object Effect: EnchT51bArmorHelmet). * Fallout 3: Fixed Lesko's Lab Coat having incorrect object effect name, changed "Lab Coat" to "Lesko's Lab Coat" (Altered Object Effect: MS04EnchClothingLeskosLabCoat) * Fallout 3: Fixed Sheriff's Duster having incorrect object effect name, changed "Duster" to "Sheriff's Duster" (Altered Object Effect: EnchClothingSimmsOutfit). * Fallout 3: Fixed Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap having no object effect name (Altered Object Effect: EnchTakomaCap). * Fallout 3: Fixed Tesla Helmet having incorrect object effect name, changed "Tesla Armor Helmet" to "Tesla Helmet" (Altered Object Effect: EnchTeslaArmorHelmet). * Fallout 3: Fixed Red's Jumpsuit having incorrect object effect name, changed "Combat Jumpsuit" to "Red's Jumpsuit" (Altered Object Effect: EnchClothingChinComSuit). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo in enchant effect name, "Ranger Battlearmor" now "Ranger Battle Armor" (Altered Object Effect: MS18EnchRangerArmor). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo in enchant effect name, "Minderlithe" now "Poplar's Hood" (Altered Object Effect: MS10EnchClothingOasisHood). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo in enchant effect name, "Dr. Barrow's Lab Coat" now "Wasteland Doctor Outfit" (Altered Object Effect: EnchClothingDoctorsLabCoat). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo in enchant effect name, "Mindersight" now "Maple's Garb" (Altered Object Effect: MS10EnchClothingOasisGarb). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "and and" to "and" (Altered Dialogue: MS08MedicalClue08>"Need specialized equipment..." 00023A02). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Pinkteron" to "Pinkerton" (Altered Dialogue: MS08MedicalClue08>"Dammit! Why are you..." 00024D45). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "civilzation" to "civilization" (Altered Dialogue: GREETINGS>"If we value the pursuit of knowledge..." 00025FCB). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "daugher" to "daughter" (Altered Dialogue: GREETINGS>"This isn't a good time..." 0001F0FC). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "what what" to "what" (Altered Dialogue: CitTalkRothchildElderLyons5>"All right, all right..." 00025916). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Scorpian" to "Scorpion" (Altered Dialogue: DialogueTenpennyConv01>"I envy your..." 00045330). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "be be" to "be" (Altered Dialogue: DialogueTenpennyConv01>"Oh, I'm alright..." 0004540F). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "all all" to "at all" (Altered Dialogue: MS01StickHandsEscortStory>"And was our brave hero..." 000295C9). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "smoothkin" to "smoothskin" (Altered Dialogue: MS14NotInterested>"Hey, that's your loss..." 0002B856). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "to to" to "to" (Altered Dialogue: MS18TLGotBattery>"Well, what the [censored]..." 0002B93A). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "coinc" to "conic" (Altered Dialogue: RadioGNRPlayerExploitsMS08>"I'd ask the kid from 101" 0005C90D and 0005C90E). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "nourshing" to "nourishing" (Altered Dialogue: >"Your food is very..." 000C7AB2). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "" to "Application" (Altered Dialogue: RDDaveCitizenship>"First off, you will...">"Application denied..." 0002C870). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Radway" to "RadAway" (Altered Dialogue: UnderworldWinthropPartsChangeMindReward>"I'll trade you five..." 000370FA). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "you you" to "you" (Altered Dialogue: WarringtonKilledFerals>"So you killed a bunch..." 000629D7). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "chile" to "chilli" (Altered Dialogue: BigtownTownWhereDidYouComeFrom>"A few dozen attacks..." 000483C0). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "-Fixed " to "stabilizer" (Altered Dialogue: HELLO>"Just hold still..." 0006B226). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "torc" to "torque" (Altered Dialogue: HELLO>"Hello, Henry. I just got..." 0001FC13). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "llike" to "like" (Altered Dialogue: HELLO>"You smell..." 000384B5). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "utilitze" to "utilize" (Altered Dialogue: HELLO>"It appears you've been..." 000C49B2 and 000C49B3). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Phillps" to "Phillips" (Altered Dialogue: NormalToAlert>"Ah you think you can..." 0001708D). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "you you" to "for you" (Altered Dialogue: AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasemant2c2>"Well, whatever..." 0007E15E). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "helpling" to "helping" (Altered Dialogue: MQ05DadHelpMe>"Helpling people?..." 0001CE6A). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Akzrukhal" to "Ahzrukhal" (Altered Dialogue: GREETING>"Don't you look absolutely..." 00030712). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Azhrukhal" to "Ahzrukhal" (Altered Dialogue: GREETING>"It's so weird here..." 0003712A). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Akzurkhal" to "Ahzrukhal" (Altered Dialogue: UnderworldTalkAhzurkhalCough1>"Sounds like you need..." * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "who who" to "who" (Altered Dialogue: HELLO>"Did you hear about..." 00028D88). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Bigtown" to "Big Town" (Altered Dialogue: BigtownTownWhatsWrong>"You've seen those..." 0004716D). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Bigtown" to "Big Town" (Altered Dialogue: BigtownTownWhosInCharge>"No one's really..." 000629C8). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Bigtown" to "Big Town" (Altered Dialogue: BigtownSentryGreeting2A>"Don't think you'll scare..." 00049048 and 000632B0). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Bigtown" to "Big Town" (Altered Dialogue: BigtownBittercupGreeting2b>"I was dating Pappy..." 00029253). * Fallout 3: Fixed typo, changed "Ahzrukhal" to "Ahzrukhal" (Altered Dialogue: >"No. Go talk...." 000332AF).
Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esmFallsChurchMetroFix.esmAbbreviated Effects.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmFNNCQ.esmAmyWong.esmCMF-Zeta.esmDCInteriors_ComboEdition.esmCubeExperimental (EN).esmProject Beauty.esmFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmStreetLights.esmXepha's Dynamic Weather.esmUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.espUnofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.espMalikaTheGypsyByAzar.espKelseyCompanion.espJessiCompanion.espAmyWong - CALIBR 1.3 (FWE 5).espAmyWong - FWE 5.espAmyWong - FOSE.espAmyWong - DLCs.espfirelance-quest.espCaravan Tracking.espMole Rat Maze.espTreasure Maps_A Fist Full of Caps.espTreasure Maps_Secrets of the Wasteland.espTreasure Maps_Underground.espA Trail of Crumbs.espDLM_Nuka Cola Refill Stations.espMX_Vault74_eng.espMX_Vault74fix.espR.A.C.E. Station.espExistence2.0.espCONELRAD 640-1240.espNotSoFast.espHeirApparent.espIntoTheDeepWoods.espPLweightadjust.espThe Mantis Imperative - Mantis.espThe Mantis Imperative - Jello.espMeresti Metro Station Entrance.esphouseexpansion.espDCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.espUPP - Pack 1.espUPP - Pack 2.espUPP - Quest Perks.espUPP - Experience Perks.espEcho_BatteryCharger.espVaultTechLocators.espMoreMapMarkers.espLongerDeathCamera.espSkillCheck.espCASM.espCRAFT - Activation Perk.espWastelandMastery.espProject Beauty- Broken Steel.espProject Beauty- Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Worn Weapons.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).espImmersiveHealth-LITE.espFPS Knife Hotkey.espRobCo Certified.espWasteland Whisperer.espResponsive Kill Reactions.espDarNifiedUIF3.espWeaponModKits.espWeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.espWeaponModKits - FWE Optional Worn Weapons.espWeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.espWeaponModKits - ThePitt.espWeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.espWeaponModKits - PointLookout.espWeaponModKits - Zeta.espEVE.espEVE Operation Anchorage.espEVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.espEVE - FWE Master Release.espEVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).espEVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.espMart's Mutant Mod.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.espMart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.espMart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.espMart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty + FWE.espDelay ThePitt + Anchorage.espDelaySteel.espdelaypl.espdelayzeta.espPreWar Book Titles and Perks.espXFO_Pacing_Extra_Levels.espFreePumpkin-perk.espMZ No Karma Loss.espZoomReworked.espStealthBoyReworked.espSVD(FWE)+WMK.espmegalight.espStreetLights - Wasteland.espRealistic Interior Lighting.espRealistic Interior Lighting - OA.espRealistic Interior Lighting - BS.espXepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.espXepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.espXepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.espXepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.espXepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp2.espTotal active plugins: 154Total plugins: 154