After playing through the game partway with the new FWE there are two things that I'd like to mention. First one is the skill changes in the config menu are not retroactive and this makes the game in my opinion far too easy, there's too much of a bonus to skills with the first level up. The other is the stealth, I've had a look at the settings for the harder difficulty and I've chosen the FWE default for sneak even though, I feel that it is too easy. The reason is because of the way the sneak has been made harder, wouldn't it be preferable to have just noise and movement increased radically rather than also having the range which npcs can detect set to an extreme level, which in my opinion makes it unrealistic. I've experimented with things like this and found it to be a lot of fun to have the run while sneaking setting turned up pretty high, you can walk while sneaking but as soon as you get impatient with the slow walk sneak and start to run they hear and start looking for you. The same with the sneak sound action setting. It also makes the perk Silent Running extremely worthwhile to get.
Yeah need to move the skill settings to the alt start computer.
Regarding stealth well the opinions completely diverge on this. I personally for example prefer the Medium setting (for reasons you stated). But there's really only so much you can do with the gamesettings. Which is why schlangster is writing new AI scripts in the next version to give enemies some actual realistic behaviour, which you cant emulate via altering the gamesettings. But I'll make sure to take another hard look at the regular settings, thanks for your feedback.
I seem to be having a problem with the FWE controls menu.
When I select "Feature Settings" from the Main Menu, the Main Menu closes, but the Features menu doesn't come up.
I had this problem with 5.0, and updated to 5.4 last night, but the broken/stuck script persisted.
Which script triggers the Feature Settings menu to display?
If I know this, I should be able to walk through the scripts, and maybe use the console to un-stuck the script so that the menu will display, or if I have to do it the hard way, write a fix-it script plug-in to get it working again (a tiny use-once-and-throw-away mod).
Type into the console "resetQuest FWEConfigMenuQuest600". That was a bug from 5.0 and It was fixed in subsequent versions but we forgot to put in a retroactive fix for this particular problem (ie if you broke it in 5.0 it stayed broken).