Thanks for the speedy fix. My speakers suddenly blaring when a Raider 50m away started firing was getting annoying. Downloading right now. ^_^
Also, not to be nitpicky, I noticed a few "errors" or bits of information missing with some of the small guns.
1. Since the Sig Sauer has 7 rounds I would imagine it is the P220 model(same as FO Tactics)
2. The Beretta is incorrectly labled "Beretta M92FS". The original Beretta 92FS holds 7 rounds while the Beretta M9(the US militarized version) holds 15 rounds(the amount in FWE). So, better nomenclature would be "Beretta M9".
3. The Browning HiPower should be "Browning Hi-Power"
4. Despite using .45 ACP in-game, the Casull Revolver should chamber .454 Casull rounds which have significantly higher velocity than the .44 rounds. Therefore, I think it would
make sense to raise its damage from 26 to something more comparable to the .223 or .44.
Also, Casull is the name of a cartridge, AFAIK, not a revolver. Checking wikipedia, the gun texture/mesh are based on the "Raging Bull .454". From WIkipedia "The .454 Casull cartridge has been used to hunt animals as large as Cape Buffalo and African elephants." Just to prove the damage point >_>.
5. The .223 Pistol(Ex) has a listed 5 rounds in FO3edit instead of what I imagine should be 5. Also, it is ridiculously overpowered because of its DPS. I don't think lowering the damage would be appropriate because a .223 round has almost twice the energy/velocity of a .44. So, intstead it would make more sense it have a much lower fire-rate due to recoil, significantly less health(325 is ridiculous compared to the Sig Sauer's 275 considering that one is highly acclaimed due to it's reliabilty and the other uses a non-standard round) because sporting rounds would do heavy damage to the bore, and finally, a higher spread because only a real sharpshooter could reliably fire such a weapon. This would essentially make the weapon a close range instant kill against one enemy, but very iffy at long range(but still capable considering the round) and impossible to use against numerous foes.
6. Another naming nitpick, if you want to match Fallout tradition the Colt M1911 should be renamed "Colt .45" to match it's FO Tactics counterpart, and as revealed, it's inclusion in Fallout New Vegas.
I would like to apologize if that seemed to nitpicky or too different from FO Tactics, but these changes would add a sense of 'realism' not to mention a bit more choice to handgun choice because the choice of firearm is always obvious.
TL;DR get off these forums >_>
If you receive this advice soundly, I will go into better detail as to gun damage, recoil, nomeclature, round capacity, etc. for different category. Because currently, I find the variety amazing but the choice of weapon to small. Either way, FO3edit <3