» Sat May 28, 2011 7:30 pm
FWE is an overhaul for those, who wish to be able to become more immersed within the Fallout 3 mythos.
such as adding the need to eat/drink/sleep. Making yourself and enemies do more damage, lower the amount of HP the player character has.
Makes specials and tag skills more important to skill making decision's, skill books grant unique perks, for every 4 books of that type read, 3 if you have the comprehension perk. Less Skill points per level up also. Boobleheads - grant +5 to skills, and +1 To a stat, whilst losing a point in another stat, or not changing at all. o
FWE is higly customizable also, with the ability to use alternate settings, such as Vanilla to Alot harsher then FWE is set at, to suit your tastes.
It streamlines the FPS side of things, with the ability to sprint, and use bullet time, it also changes Vats, so you can adjust the accuracy bonus granted whilst using Vats.
Arwen's Realism Tweaks is an alternative to FWE, less customizable, and also is alot harsher then the default FWE settings, Compared to FWE, FWE is a package of different mods, Arwen's is her own realism tweaks(which FWE uses a variation of), and with her tweaks, you can use different mods that are compatible, whereas with FWE being such a huge package, certain mods may be incompatible.
I don't know much about FOOK, but I could never go back to playing the default game without some form of tweak (FWE or Arwen's), not even having 200+ new items would be temptation enough to, since FWE add its own weapons, and changes the games / DLC's unique weapons too.
So all in all...
I recommend FWE (or Arwen's) if you are looking for a more challenging and more immersive FO3.