So I want to add dust particles in a cave and I see this is typically handled in retail dungeons with an FXCameraAttachEffects volume. But...
I look at say Mzulft chamber two, and there is one around the cave-y bit. I see it's called FXCameraAttachEffectsACT when I double click the primitive.
So I go back into my cell and I try to drag one into my level and nothing appears. It will show up in the actor list in the cell view. I tried to get cute and hit "2" to get the scale gizmo in case it just comes in with no dimensions, but alas, NO gizmo will show up when it's selected, and I cant' shift+F to focus on it.
I tried creating primitives and rooms and adding the FXcameraatach script but that doesn't work either.
So I tried the ole standby copy and paste and I can't even do that. I copy the one in Mzulft, and when I open my cell, both paste and paste in place are greyed out!
How in the H. E. double hockey sticks do I add one of these bad boys?