» Sat May 15, 2010 8:53 am
310m isn't wonderful, but it will run the game fine. If the music still plays when it freezes then you aren't the only one with the issue. Happens to me, happens to a lot of people. Some say it's Windows 7, some say it's quad cores, I think it is the i series CPU and core 2 quads and it happens in 32-bit and 64-bit flavors of windows 7 or Vista from what I've read.
I played the game on my wife's laptop (macbook pro 13") which has an integrated graphics card called 320m. Since it's integrated, it's probably on par with the dedicated 310m.
My settings from the launcher were a mix of high and medium. Start off with 'high', run at the native resolution with no AA (assuming it isn't higher than 1280x800 or 1360x768, then you might want to run it at 1280x720) but do put AF at 15. Very little performance hit on modern GPUs. Turn off transparency multisampling in advanced. I'd keep depth of field on but it might make VATs sluggish later in the game. Uncheck soft water reflections and set all the water quality options to low, but check on full scene reflections since there is hardly a quality hit. Leave the number of int/ext shadows, but lower their quality. Move the LOD shadow fad slider to as low as it goes. Honestly, there are so few shadows you won't notice a thing doing either. Leave everything else where they are at. In the nvidia control panel, go to the fallout 3 profile and turn on the anisotropic and trilinear optimizations, set negative LOD bias to clamp, change texture quality to performance. Leave all other settings on application control (AF, AA, etc...). You can safely run with vsync on if using direct3doverider from rivatuner.
This will get you 30-60fps depending on where you are at.. Well when it isn't freezing. Some parts of heavy activity will dip down to the 20s, but otherwise it'll look great