I changed the values of chems to be more brutal.
Since Stimpaks cost 200caps (at base) you are less likely to buy a crapload of them whenever you see a doctor.
Because of this (hopefully) Survival will be better, you might be more inclined to eat stuff and drink water.
And crafting stimpaks will now be more convenient than buying them. (I've added 'empty syringes' to Fiend loot lists)
Then we have radiation which will be slightly more inconvenient.
Like let's say you're going to go to Vault 34, then you better have saved a lot of radaways found during your journeys or you have to spend a fortune on radaways to survive it.
I don't expect the mod to be perfect but hopefully it will make other healing options more viable than spamming stimpaks.
And hopefully it will make players use doctor services more often. (Though when I figure out how to change the dialogue services then I'm SO gonna tweak the crap out of them too.

Aaaaanyway, give it a try I guess.
Mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43326