If it's for discovering a new kind of mod or something, sure. If you can level up just by playing around with the same weapon mods back and forth for a few minutes, then meh.
It really depends. As Emberoth said, if you gain experience for using the same weapon mods, it's meh.
But, if you mix and match new combinations, I don't see an issue. But I don't think we should be able too gain experience from modding the same weapon repeatedly in a short period of time...
Same though here, you'll have people just sitting at the bench trying to level up. Plus I just don't think it's a good thing to have anyway.
I'm okay with earning XP for modding weapons. Most likely if you collect a bunch of 10mm pistols and make a change to them, even if it is the same change, you will likely earn just a few points for making or modding the weapon. Same thing when you kill a radroach. They are only worth 1 point per kill, and that 1 point has more of an effect at early stages of the game than it does at a higher level due to the fact that it takes more points to reach level 10 from 9 than it does level 2 from 1. So if you get 5 points for adding a scope to a 10mm pistol, it will have a bigger effect on your leveling up early than it would later when you are a higher level. You can grind out pistols with scopes if you want, but you will likely get bigger points by modding other more powerful weapons.
This. I hope it won't be another Skyrim craft-grinding game.
It needs to be severely limited and constrained. This was an issue in Skyrim at launch and led to all sorts of exploits and balancing issues. While the concept of gaining exp through non-combat means is nice, it can't and shouldn't break progression in the game.
It's for crafting the mods, not just attaching/detaching them, I think. Like smithing in Skyrim.
It won't be. Fallout uses generic XP for leveling, not the Elder Scrolls system of leveling skills through use.
I can't comment until I know how the game as a whole scales. Skyrim only scaled to level 50, and you could reach that long before you were finished with a character. I had to use a mod (the Uncapper) to dramatically reduce experience gain in Skyrim. I don't want to be able to earn experience at a rate that leaves my character over-powered before I'm finished with his story.
Player character leveling won't be capped in Fallout 4, but the Wasteland might be.
This is why Fallout 4 could potentially be worse than Skyrim. If players are able to grind levels easily through just crafting, it will completely break progression of the game. Players will always find ways to exploit the game, and exp gained through crafting sounds like an obvious exploit. If you gain very little exp, it will discourage this kind of abusive behavior.
Yeah the pre-patch ability to make iron daggers all day and max out your skill in no time was a game breaker (course you didn't have to actually do it).
But with the FO4 crafting ... still on the fence about it. I can think it can be abused as easily as it can be helpful. Now if the experience you gained can only be used to increase the abilities used to actually do the modding it may make more sense. But if I can mod guns all day and then increase my sneaking skill ... no thank you.
If there is an exploit, people will abuse it. What rational person wouldn't grind out iron daggers to max out crafting so that they could craft dragonbone armor immediately? It may be a choice to exploit, but when the developer has unintentionally encouraged it, it's going to get out of hand.
This is my concern as well. It's one thing if EXP gained for crafting is limited towards weapon/gear modifications. It's an entirely different matter when you can use the EXP gained from crafting to obtain combat perks and improve your character. That's game-breaking.
I can see achievements being linked into this.
"You have crafted 10/20/50 mods", "You have crafted all mods available for rifles", "You have modded every type of weapon with a scope" etc.
When it comes to exploits though, it is a singleplayer game so they're not really a big deal, it's not like they ruin the fun for everyone else.
So even if they turn it into an exploit, I probably won't use it. I have enough willpower to restrain myself.
If it is there, it's probably not enough to make much of a difference in the long run, rather than that little nudge to level up.
Knock on wood. Those who ask for such things, never get it.
While I'm not saying that I want the possibility of grinding like that, I don't see the problem, if you don't like it, just don't you know... grind.
It's not like it's a multiplayer game where all those who grinded got an advantage over all the other players.
You're forgetting self control is sort of a taboo.
Or as I have seen it reacted at times "I shouldn't have to restrict myself, the game should!" kind of like a drug addict who blames society that he can't kick the white lightning.
This is really a simple concept. Cheating is wrong and people choose to cheat. It is a choice. That being said, if the powers that be have the capacity to mitigate and even eliminate cheating altogether, they have an obligation to out of fairness and doing the right thing. Exploiting is just another form of cheating. Regardless of it being a choice, it's something that should be corrected by BGS as soon as possible, as was the case with the gold exploit in Oblivion, the iron dagger exploit in Skyrim, and many other exploits they've had to rectify over the years.
Fairness to whom...?
If one person grinds, and one doesn't, in a single player experience, who's losing?
The grinder get's his progression and carries on his merry way. The one that doesn't takes value in his hard work to where he wants to get to, and sallies forth from there.
Of course, in the demo, we know that was a cheated up demo character that had everything available for them to just stand there and make all types of gun mods. The likely hood of us being able to gather that much gear in the beginnings of the game to gain any significant amount of xp is probably slim. .. and most likely (hopefully), by the time we do have enough gear to just stand around and make weapons, the xp earned from doing so will be negligible.