Almalexia Ur was mostly just an example, but it would be awesome.
What I'd really need is just something grandiose and majestically freaky/powerful.
Something worthy of "Worse than the Final Boss" status. It could be anything, as long as it works!

This is a simple plugin that allows you to play alute. The lute model, is set as a weapon, so thatit can be held, as if the character is playing. Ithas scripts attached, that will add different lutemodels to your inventory, when it's picked up.They don't weigh anything. The "anchor" lute holdsall the weight. It's just to simulate the PCholding the lute in various ways, includingstrapped to your back. When the "anchor" lute isequipped, sheet music can be equipped, that willplay lute tracks. The lute pieces are played,professionally, by Thomas Berghan, and weredownloaded as free resources. The sheet music isactually set up, as gloves. I did this, so thatthe player could use quick-keys, to instantlystart the lute track of their choice, as long asthe anchor lute is equipped.Your lute may be purchased from a bard that visitsthe Arena pit, in Vivec, in the late-afternoon.He's only there certain times of the day. You maypurchase the lute from him, as well as some of thesheetmusic. Additional music may be bought in theGreat Bazaar of Mournhold. Look for a differentbard, holding a lute. Don't kill these characters.If you do, you won't be able to get thesheetmusic. They have to teach you how to play it,after all. Remember, you must have the anchorlute(the one that is in playing position)equipped, for the sheetmusic to initiate thesongs.