45 skill increases (assuming they're major or minor) is 4.5 levels in vanilla but not necessarily in GCD because GCD levels with attribute increases, not skill increases.
You can set your skill with: Player->setlongblade 100. Your overall level may not be much different from vanilla. If you want what you would have had in vanilla, add up all the major/minor skill increases from the start (UESP can help you figure out your starting skills if you're not sure) and divide by ten. Add one to that and there's your vanilla level.
edit: your biggest problem is that your health will be low. You can estimate what it should be by dividing your endurance by ten and multiplying that by your corrected level. Change it with Player->sethealth xxx or maybe better, Player->modhealth xx (where xx is the extra health, not the total health)
Okay I tried calculating my vanilla level, but while my Imperial character is level 24 right now, I got as answer to the calculation 29.2. I don't think that's right, because it should be less. Here's my calculation, I'm not good at math, so I'm not really sure if it's correct though

Long blade 40 - 100 = -60
Block 30 - 54 = -24
Destruction 30 - 60 = -30
Heavy Armor 30 - 95 = -65
Restoration 30 - 44 = -14
Axe 15 - 23 = -8
Illusion15 - 16 = -1
Short blade 15 - 19 = -4
Athletics 15 - 69 = -54
Armorer 15 - 37 = -22
282/10+1 = 29.2