Does anybody actually... gamble?
I don't have the patience to learn Caravan or Blackjack. Roulette is... unexciting. So the only gambling I ever do in this game is the slot machines. I just spend all my NCR bills/Legion coins on The Tops chips and raise it to maximum bet. Then I usually lose it all after trying to get the triple Cherries 20x over.
Does anybody gamble? It would svck that a Vegas-based game would let it go to waste.
Blackjack's easy to play, and there actually is a bit of skill involved in playing it, unlike roulette or slots, which are entirely probability based (at least in real life). Just remember that there are more cards with a value of 10 than there are for any other number, and make your decisions to stand or draw, or how much to bet, based on that fact.
I just never could get the hang of Caravan, and I pretty much never play it. Maybe on my next playthrough I'll make another attempt at it.
What I really wish is that you could play poker. Even if it could be set up where it's just you against the house would be a lot of fun.