- Better body and facial+hair graphics is very important for me true. so i can look my character with all the nice fluffy gear and be happy about it if i can. (but something new is more important then just pretty graphics).
- Combat, by doing it more fluid, yes better, but that can already be achieved my Oblivion mods, so i guess this is something they just grabbed from a mod.
- VERY improved AI, well i guess you mean more scripted AI, like they have more behave strings, so basicly they show you where the danger/qeust/place of interest is without map or marker (a very nice addition)
- Quests for me are irrelevant, i just like to put the boots on, run in the wilderness exploring and finding new places (i have a picture memory so i remember every route i take ingame, and can backtrack)
- World with better details, ok i can live with that, but can you break stuff like lamps,windows,fences,wood parts etc etc, i hope one can, use a big BOOOOM fireball in a small area and if a lot of breaking objects all just go >.< broken :> => making the NPCs make more stuff or buy them.
- New Ambients, well its expected (that part of the graphic looks ie?)
- New levelling system, errr i hope they dont talk about just to be a new system with more skills and bigger level range.
- Promising story, this would be nice, if there would be dynamic elements in the end where the story would continue living thru the player.
- Companions, yey i hope i can buy them stuff, a house, a keep, a tower, a servant, a guard, a golden costume with silver wings etc (perhaps get a child ? :> ) (or just a npc backup into dungeons, or multiple would be cooooool)
-> but after x hours when you have saved the world and own more gold then the Kaliff himself, what then ? => i just hope and pray and live in positive mindset that they would make EndGame content, something to AIM FOR, and when you get it CARE FOR.
i hope, i hope, i hope