Same problem here.. No matter what I try it continues to say strict Nat even when I've checked the port is open. I found a web site that does help a little (in checking your ports are open ect.
They have a free tool for checking your ports (not the obvious advertised app) plus a list of various routers and settings.
Welcome to the world of Network Address Translation. It's gigantic pain in the ass, isn't it? Well what I would do is eliminate/isolate (that is, shut off) any blocking programs, firewalls, etc until you get the game down to a non-strict NAT. Then you'll know where the problem lies, if it's your norton program you can then turn it back on and play with it until you've properly configured it/fixed the issue.
Moderate NAT would be acceptable. Open is preferred always.
Welcome to the world of Network Address Translation. It's gigantic pain in the ass, isn't it? Well what I would do is eliminate/isolate (that is, shut off) any blocking programs, firewalls, etc until you get the game down to a non-strict NAT. Then you'll know where the problem lies, if it's your norton program you can then turn it back on and play with it until you've properly configured it/fixed the issue.
Moderate NAT would be acceptable. Open is preferred always.
Turned norton off and tried it, still have a strict NAT.
Ok so at this point I am getting really frustrated and I would like to see if some one can help me with my NAT restriction and port forwarding for Crysis 2. I checked the readme and tried inputting the information for port forwarding into my router 2 seperate times with no success. An error message kept coming up. So obviously I am dong something wrong. I have a Belkin router and the setup basically looks like this:
(Grid format)
Enable - Description - Inbound port - Type - Private IP address - Private port
The information in the readme is as follows:
Game Port Usage
For all traffic between server and client 'game' port is used (default 64100 - net_lobby_gamespy_online_port).
Ports SDK Service Hostname Type Local Remote
Available hbmaster3 UDP Any 27900 NN natserver1 UDP game 27901 NN natserver2 UDP game 27901 NN nat neg Game client UDP game game*(other game) QR2 hbmaster3 UDP game 27900 QR2 Incoming queries Game client UDP game Any CDKey keymaster UDP game 29910 SAKE Profile settings/stats TCP Any Any (def:80) Chat Any IRC server TCP Any 6667 GP gpmanager TCP Any 29900 GP searchmanager TCP Any 29901 SB gmaster3 TCP Any 28910 SB Server queries game servers UDP Any game*(target server) RSS RSS Feed TCP 80 80
Default value for 'game' is 64100 (can be adjusted). For incoming UDP traffic, only port "game" ( default 64100) is required to be opened.
With this information, and the type of router that I have, how would I forward these ports in my router? I would really like some help. I have been messing around with this thing on and off for 2 weeks and I am starting to get really pissed off that I bought this game just to play it on single player.
Belkin router is the problem, i have one as well, with dmz turned on UPnP turned on, port forwarding of all ports, still behind a strict nat, take the router of the loop and bam moderate nat type
Well... aside from trying that, for some games I have noticed its better to turn UPnP off. For instance, I had to port forward Halo: Reach and turn UPnP off in order for my NAT to open. Is there a difference in keeping it on for different games for multiplayer?
Sorry if i missed it but you said an error keeps showing up; what does the error say?
Thanks! I think it's the standard "You appear to be behind a strict firewall" message that comes up every time upon entering multiplayer.
I have done exactly the same as BrutalWrath (port forwarding and such) to no avail in the sense of being able to play multiplayer longer than 2 minutes.
Also why does my rank keep getting reset to 5 every time I log off?