I was having a few other issues as everyone else but I quickly resolved them all and I must say I really enjoy this game.
Yes I have and still play Crysis 1 as well. Crysis 2 has a different feel to it but I'm not going to be over critical like everyone else I really like it.
Hi, i bought the game today and after installing and starting it up i get the message that firewall is blocking stuff. i've never gotten this message bfore and i play alot of online games. Anyways i use kaspersky internet security so i went there and turned it off completely and i'm still getting the message and at the bottom it says NAT type strict.. pls help
when i go to multiplayer it say 'You appear to be behind a strict firewall. It is highly likely other player will not be able to join your session and you may experience difficulties finding or joining other players' sessions'
i turned off all firewall's and antivirus programs nothing is turned on ,on demo i havnt problems like this my router is disabled at firewall i try it also net_lobby_gamespy_online_port=80..
played 3 times 5h mp and nothing saved i m angry ! it save one time at 10 Rank all my stats is zero kills all =0
someone can help i havnt desire to play from beging evry time i buy this game so i can enjoy..
well your saying here you can play so the firewall is not blocking out the server's it is blocking the gamespy stats servers ect. to fix this try turning off windows firewall or any anti virus firewalls you have on, also on your router you may have the routers firewall enabled, if turning off the anti virus and windows firewall does not work, give me a PM and ill try to explain how to foward the ports required on the router.
hy i can play but not at all servers sometimes i can but be dogged ok look my pictures
i turned off all in windows !
my router!
now i have bug on game i unlocket many dog tags and other stuff and this problem return me to rank 10! so i m pretty angry about this you can see now this bug i dint chang my dog tag but is locked !
Hello, i dont have any bugs/serial code problems/gfx shadow errors and others, BUT i do have a warning message pop-up EVERY time i trying to log in to multiplayer (pressing "ok" allow me to normally play without problems, BUT that message is annoying... please how do i can get rid of that message?
hey i got a helpful hint, read any one of the other hundred threads on this forum, you'll start to see a pattern, shouldn't take you long to figure it out from there. EPIC FAILURE~!
It is just stupid that has NAT in it. It should never be in the game,not a pc game. But it is a console port and it does show the flaws of porting instead of making a good pc game.
dude you have a thompson rounter, change it and your problems will be solved. this is a known problem with thompson routers, i had the same problem with mw2 and cry2 but when i changed it(like everyone said i should) it worked pretty fine
change the thompson router, they usually make such problems I have a Belkin router and i have the same problem. And telling someone to change there router is not a fix.