For over a week now I have been literally / completely stuck on the rail road nuclear Option glitch(ps4). Basically i started the quest with a targeting HUD on which made me hostile (which i didn't know that was the glitch at the time) and the elevators were locked and i cant fast travel or leave due to the genius idea of the area being well , well underground and only reachable by warping. I walked around trying to figure out where all the NPC's were and the game auto saved 3 times and i hard saved one SO I HAVE NO EARLIER SAVE to go to . After getting a bunch of generic answers robots from the site that offered lil to no help I started talking to a staffer named Matt . He seemed helpful at 1st been he started asking me questions i clearly provided in our 1st exchange. I basically wrote what i wrote above and then some and in our 2nd email he asked "this happen on ps4 or pc?" . Then in our 6th exchange "just revert to an old save". LOL ,LOL LOL ,LOL LOL ........WOW!!!!!There has been a guy with a youtube video up on the glitch who has received no help and has been stuck well over a month. Please tag this post and comment lets shed some light on this please.