In Game Bugs please help

Post » Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:51 am

i was told to come here from bethesda support

After an update came for the ps4 i started playing fallout 4 again, after the issues i had.

But i am still having issues
currently my game issues are:

The molecular level task is asking me to power up the signal interceptor, i have done this but the game doesn't recognize that i have.

In craft/workshop mode i cant get settlers to do anything that i ask. I try to assign them to something and there is no change.

Whilst not wearing power armor my player can not view anything on the pip boy. also my player will not run or hit, and if i fall from a great height my player acts as if he is in power armor and takes no damage.

I need to know if this can be fixed as i don't want to start again iv done alot in this game and after checking i have put over 6 days in hours into it.
please help

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Kirsty Collins
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:54 pm

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