ok, i have played fallout 3 and fallout new vegas a hell of a lot, as with most people i have plugged in well over 200+ hrs on both.. love the games, and are infact some of the best ive played. HOWEVER...i like numerous others have run into a few, lets say non ignorable freezing issues. im not one to complain about small glitches..getting stuck or things floating, they can be excused, no problem, but this freezing problem is so severe i litterally can only play for 20 mins when bam..were down to 1 frame....cant even get into the start menu to reload...only option is to turn off ps3. lets just say ive hard reset the thing maybe 250 times in the course of playing fallout new vegas. i have plenty of games, none of which lag at all, nothing. fallout 3 i remember had a few issus later on when my save file was bigger but new vegas is in a class of its own. lets get to the point....the game freezes more and more as you progress, so freezing was rare at from levels 0-30. after that the DLC's hit...(of which i paid £7.99 a go) and bought the GRA and other packs. no freezing through dead money @ level 30..but after the updates 1.06 and 1.07 and all the new DLC's this issue upscaled. i managed to complete all of the add ons,,, and progressed to level 50. (even though my main save got to level 50 before lonesome road, another glitch, so i never got the final perks

which you fixed...too late. anyway. you may ask how can it be unplayable, but you still put 200 hrs in and completed everything. well lets just say the hours ive spent restarting the game reloading.....waiting on a freeze etc, equals that of actual play time after the DLC's.
i have paid a hell of alot of money for this game and the last, this just cant be right. if i bought a product off the shelves and it didnt work i would get a full refund, some kind of compensation. i try to support companys who make great games by buying them so they can hopefully make more and be around for longer. with piracy these days we may see less and less great games, so i do thank you for making a great game, but i have not bought skyrim because i KNOW this FREEZING is happening all over again (on PS3).
lastly we tried on a brand new 320gb ps3 slim.. and within 5 mins, we froze up. thus proving its not the ageing fat consoles to blame.
conclusion......enjoy your fallout...enjoy it all the way upto the point where you play it so much you litterally CANT play any more..
i doubt these words will be responded to...but i really think some spokes person should adress the problem, and not continue to ignore it and say " its a problem for the few" which your again saying it is on skyrim.... heres a suggestion....dont even make the game for ps3 if it cant work properly!!!!! dont give me the option ill just buy a xbox or pc and play it....but i suppose you would like that as i would have to buy the game ALLLLLLL over again.
mixed feelings great game.....more freezing up than ive ever seen anywhere on any game or console. (think back to lag on a 28k modem).