You're playing on the PC man, live it up a little.

Why can't you access the ini file? It's found in your
My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV folder along side your save games by default and you should be able to open it an edit it like any ini file. May have to edit the prefs file and/or the default ini file in the game directory to get things to stick with Steam but you should be able to change things none the less.
I'm not usually a big fan of mods since a lot of them, to me, are ridiculous. A lot of people just mod in ridiculous weapons or ridiculous appearances etc. The only mods I really use are small ones that fix bugs or add some feature that doesn't actually disturb the gameplay.
And nope. Can't edit it. I can go in and edit it, but the moment I try to save, it forces it to a "Save as," as in another document entirely. If I try to insist on overwriting the Fallout.ini folder, it says it's protected and refuses to do so.
Either way, I'm no computer wiz, so I don't know if the fix will work. I just know I was amazed that Fallout 3 not only worked on Windows 7 with this fix but stopped crashing completely. This is the FO3 fix for anyone who either wants to fix their own FO3 or for anyone who could tell me if it'd work with NV:
Open up the fallout.ini file in: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3
Find the line:
change it to:
Add another line after it and insert:
This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze.
*If the game still crashes write this iNumHWThreads=1