So I tried using the compatibility mode with WinXP SP3, running as Admin, disable Aero and whatever. Still the same thing. I then tried verifying the game cache with Steam - always redownloads one file - which seems to be common. Since nothing worked, I uninstalled the game through Steam, went to My Documents/My Games Folder and deleted the Fallout New Vegas Folder. Redownloaded the game in Steam, updated my ATI Driver to 11.7 (was on 11.6 before), restarted PC multiple times, made sure no funny software is running in the background and BAM, same problem again!
A lot of people seem to be having this problem, but I did not find any solution in all the threads, except for the steps I have already taken. Did I miss anything? My PC runs every other game fine, it's not overclocked, no virus nothing.
So does anyone has any last tips for me? I'm regretting spending money on this game already

edit: God, now the game costs 1/4 of what I paid, still I bought the 3rd DLC in hope that it magically make my game playable....guess what. It didn't help. Like throwing money in a well ever helped at all...