Game Designer Dragon Lover Last Post - Since my topic was lo

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:12 pm

Yes I have created worlds which no one has seen.
you know there are certain people in the world who want to be famous after they die. I am one of them. I'd rather have hollywood come along mess up my movie like they are doing with the hobbit and create something new. Wait a second.. hasn't hollywood just been doing remakes or movies based on stuff already done. WHAT!!!! yes wake up..
Actually in all honesty hopefully people will still know how to read by then and read my writings after I am dead and enjoy both. But I am sure hollywood will butcher what I had in mind instead of creating something amazing visually like what the old star wars movie were to those who remember them.

Yes I svck at grammar. So what.. If you can tell a great story and have new ideas, that is what is important.

My Advice to you - stop wasting your time playing the same video games and story driven stories that is all.
If you want to continue to support these game companies.
Hear my Warning:

Why should I waste my time purchasing a game which limits me on what I can play or why consider it a role playing game at all?
There should be a game out by now that allows me to play whatever I want in a fantasy world.
Maybe if someone is reading this. Design a game where you can role play as anything in the game world. Have the same amount of detail as Skyrim. Have a better combat system and make it online.
Bethesda told me they don't know how to code for online. So in my opinion in the future some greater game is going to come along they always do.
Please go make this because you'd make millions. But that isn't going to happen for awhile since video game companies don't want that. They will milk you for every dime. Meaning if I created that game I just mentioned i'd put them all out of business. Hence why that game doesn't exist yet. Second Life is coming close to that - since it lets you create anything you want but technically it isn't really a game and more a virtual matrix system.

My Game Designer teacher who is from Germany and in my opinion very smart since he writes A.I. Code told me.
"Whoever writes the best A.I. Code and Virtual World or RPG program would dominate the game market " He is correct and that is why he gave the example of second life being the future of gaming.

so keep protecting your precious skyrim when in 20 years from now you won't even remember it because you'll be too busy killing people in a virtual world where they can be anything they want and I look forward to kicking your ass in that virtual world with my imagination. :D

By the way:
Spyro is a kids game - Since you love skyrim so much why don't you go play the old classic retro game "Adventure" I am sure you'd spend hours playing it, since you do slay dragons in it.

-End of Transmission-
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:55 pm

This is the least articulate jumble of words I've read in quite a long time.

I'm not exactly sure what the structure is or what's being said or why. . . it's fascinating, really.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:07 pm

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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:27 pm

Ok... At least you made SOME sense in first thread.

If I understand it right.. You want us to not play Skyrim so that twenty years later our virtual characters will not die in a virtual game controlled by your imagination. Is that right?
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:59 pm

If you can tell a great story and have new ideas, that is what is important.

That's a pretty big if, buddy.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:11 pm

You were not censored for giving your opinion. We lock threads if there are reports or other problems in the thread.

Sorry you didn't like Skyrim. I love it, as do a lot of people here. We never mind constructive criticism (well, most don't.) However, a rambling post on... uhm, I guess your opinion on the state of gaming, is all well and good, but maybe not the best idea in the Skyrim forum. You didn't offer much in the way of insight as to what you felt was wrong with the game, or what was good. It was a bit confusing and thus your threads got derailed.

If you do decide to hang out, please read the forum rules.
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