Some parts were pretty hard, and overall difficulty felt pretty good to me. I love games that are challenging. When I replay a game, I usually change the difficulty
to change things a bit. So with NV i changed it to Hard. To my surprise, it wasn't harder hell, the game felt WAY easier. Spots where I died a few times in normal mode
were easy like hell now.
I decided to switch the game to very hard. Maybe I was just use to the game and I was just getting better (Which I don't think is the case since I've been playing FO3 for a while)
Result? Very hard difficulty was no different than hard, or normal. Now I'm asking myself is it is a bug, some kind of problem with the game or, maybe
patch 1.02 changed the game's difficulty setting, making it WAAAAAY easier for some unknown reason.
I know there are some bigger problems out there. Still has anyone had the same problem? Post or after the patch. Honestly I just hate playing easy games. It pisses me off and I usually
never make it to the end. Sadly most of today's games are easy, especially american games.
So let me know if anyone as encountered some kind of an issue on the difficulty settings.