While playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas i tried the different difficulties and was very dissapointed, even the hardcoe mode of New Vegas offered only a slight increase, the most fun i had was when i downloaded a spawn mod and had the difficulty set on the hardes I could. at level 6 in Fallout 3 I started to encounter groups of super mutans with 6 mini guns, 3 rocket launchers. Once I downloaded the Classic weapons mod they started carrying fully auto shotguns( the jackhammer from fallout 2), Talon company came in massive waves at between 16-24 at a time and when I went to the super mart the first time for the quest there were 46 raiders inside to clear before I even got into the Pharmacy. It seems that is what is needed in difficulty increase, not just making guys tougher. New Vegas never had the real mass of enemies like fallout 3 did which I think is why i liked 3 better. That is something that shuold be planned in the next fallout game. I also had a mod that put an army on the map and the game engine handeled it perfectly fine, 200 ghouls charging and no lag at all. The battle at the end of hover dam was nice but how about a real army vs army. give quests that if you raid old army bases you can requip your group for the end battle. Epic scale slobber knocker with 2 armies, or perhaps 3 armys, NCR, the Legion and Brotherhood all battleing for control of the area or having NCR and Brotherhood actually teaming up aginst some unknown army, the rest of the world has been too quite, were areas like canada really hit that hard? Either way the only way I found to truly increase the difficutly in the game is MORE enemies to kill. With only a few it's easy to keep track, with 20 you have a much harder time preventing yourself getting flanked